Charlies Big Fucking Secret Chapter 119

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Ashley had been up to the school day since I had met up with Binky and it was like she had never lwft the place. We were up and out and at the scho by 9am every qingle day just like her old school routine. But it had only happened like this after her popping by on the second day  amd Chalrie had upset her. Well, not purposfully but still she was upset.

Sh3 had been to see him in the Hall whialt I was chatting with a few of the care staff about how the kids where gett8ng on. It was.only when I went to find Ashley after an hour or so that a red faved Charlie came to meet me at the doors. 

"Hey looking for Ashley?" He said with a strained smile.

"Yes....where is she?" I say looking around the obvipus empty Hall.

"Oh well Doc listen...we kind of had a few words and things got a little heated. We sort of...we had a fight. Nothing major but..yeah... I kind of upset her a little." Chalrie mummble on.

I saw right through his bull shit and shoved.him out the way scouring the Hall for ashley.

"Where is she Chalrie?" I asked.clenching my fists and jaw.

"Ermmmm Doc dont get mad but I kind of ...erm....Shes ermm...I made her cry..." Chalrie stammered twitching his feet awkwardly.

I smiled at him like a liom before its juocy prey and he visibly wilted.

He wilted even more when I got hold.of his shirt collar and shoved him up against the wall and growled.

"What did you do Charlie?" I asked with a sickly venom.

"Doc I swear to you before you take a hit I didnt mean to upset her. Its about her Easter plans she made last year.  Paula passed them over to me and they are great but...I am sorry but unfortunately she hasnt been here amd I haven't been able to get the staff to cover the choir and music therapy lessons they way she did  so there is not much planned." He declared quickly keeping his handa up to declare a surrender.

"Now Chalrie if you want to keep your teeth..."

He butted in.

"I do Doc. I really do. I like my teeth." Chalrie nodded bravely with a scared and shaly smile.

"Well thatas good Charlie becuase I dont  want to have to pick your face up off the floor. Now, why havent you done ANY practising for the kids Easter parade hmmmmm?" I said still gripping his collar tight.

"Doc I have its jist not as good as Ashleys plan. We have the bunting and a few songs but I dont have a full concert arranged. Its just covering an hour in the afternoon for the parents. I have all the set up and get up but I dont have Ashleys special capabilities the way she does. I dont know how to xonduct a xhoir of mixed deaf and blind kids Doc. I don't know sign language or gow to plan the piano. Plus I am a guy, I dont have a clue about costume designs and floor lay outs for hand dances and wheelchair access with seeing eye dogs." He said honestly.

I let him go and straightend out his baggy shirt but he kept his hands up.

"Well Chalrie that's all you had to say. You didnt need to come out at me looking all stressed out and shifty. I know you cant help it, I mean you are American so you love the drama but I dont need this jind of stress right now. And Ashley certainly dorsnt need it either. So where is she?" I asked like nothing had happened.

"She went to the ladies."

I found Ashley sitting in the ladies with the cubicle door wide open,  sitting on  the closed toilet seat lid sobbing into a soggy tissue.

"Sweetheart its me." I say tapping the open door even though she could see me.

"Oh Gabriel!" She wailed holding her arms out to me.

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