Christmas Eve Eve Chapter 96

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So after that whoooooole episode with Ashey and me baring my arse to Paula everything was fine. We did go down ti her office to apologise but I kept laughing as Ashley stummbled over her words before bursting into tears which made me laugh more. Then Paula got all mumsie on me and walloped me across the arm and them slapped me about the head with her stack of paper work. She was more embarassed than the two of us put together and jjst gave Ashley a reassuring hug before slapping my arm again and telling me if I carried on being so insensitive about such things she wpuld take me over her knee and give me the hiding of a life time. 

She explained in quite a dipolmatic way that although it was inappropriate behaviour she understood  how the passions of your youth could get quite over whelming at times nd this was infact not the forst time she had encourtered staff in such a precarious position. She also reminded us that she was young once.Well! I was in woops of laughter as tears streamed down my face at the thought of her and Stanley in a lustful embrace in her office. I so badly wanted to quip out my internal hilarious thoughts but I was in such a bulk of laughter that I could only splutter. Then Ashley dragged me out of the office whislt Paula kicked at me telling me it was a good job her artharitic knee was playing up because she was going to break me in half. 

After much support and more kissing and calming of Ashley she called Viv back when I let her out of my arms. It was not anything too urgent, only telling us that Charlie and hos team had everything ready for the concert and she had had many parents ringing her to make sure there was ample seats available at last minute to buy which there was. It sounded like it was going to be a good turn out. 

There was  alot of phone calls betwene me and Charlie and then Charlie and Ashley over the course of the week.  was that and our after school rehersals carried on dor the rest of the week. In the mean time I didnt see Ashley through the school day becuase I was trying to hunt down everybody Joannes P.A. had contacted to tell them the party had been rearranged to the school Hall and that there was a standard admission fee of £100 per person as a good will gesture toeards the school funding and it was compulsary. I had a few old rich cronies having melt downs over an extortinate fee and that the millions raised such be enough for such a small school. However when I explained that the education of our future generations was priceless especially when it regarded the well being of furure handi capable children they soon shut up. One nil to Gabriel!.

So spending all day on the phone to try and re organise this cocktail event and having to dash back with info to Paula and Charlie on updates them spending my evenings with Ashley and the children during  the week it really had me spent. I had to order Ashleys Christmas present too. I had ordered her a  sapphire and diamond jewellery set of earrings a neclace and a matching braceltte. I initally wanted something special for her but I was not sure of what to buy her but as soon as I saw the sapphires it just reminded me of her beautiful blue eyes and I could not resist buying her them. I was hoping she wpuld wear them to the Cocktail party which had been a total ball ache to make her agree to attend but I got round her eventually. Well sort of. She remained adament she would not be coimg to any  event where the Winters would be. I understood where she was coming from becuase even I have to admit I didn't want them around. I asked her if I was on my best behaviour and kept my hands above waist level wpuld she re consider. She muttered something 'about that being highly unlikely'. I just grinned at her and smacked her bum in approval and she gave me a look that would kill a Saint. 

None of  that  mattered for the time being because by Friday all the children and staff left for the three week Christmas break and we wouldnt be seeing anybody until the concert so that ment I had Ashley all to myself. I mean it took a bit of begging, well, alot of begging and pleading until I turned it around and used Sally as emotional blackmail and she soon gave in. 

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