Chapter 1- Break Ups

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Hermione awoke to the sounds of tapping on the window of Ginny's bedroom window. An extra bed was placed in there for whenever Hermione had come to stay. Yawning, Hermione got out of the warm bed and walked over to the window.

She opened it and a brown barn owl flew in, as well as a cold wind. Shivering, Hermione slammed the window shut, awakening Ginny.

"Bloody hell, Mione!" Ginny yelled as she bolted out if bed and grabbed her wand at the noise, "What was that?"

"The window," Hermione said casually, "Its freezing outside, but there was an owl."

"What's a bloody owl doing here at," Ginny quickly checked her watch, "Seven thirty in the morning?"

"I think its from Hogwarts," Hermione said pulling the four letters from the owls leg.

She quickly looked at them to find herself correct. Their was a letter for her, Ginny, Harry, and Him. She gave Ginny her letter and threw the other two on her lilac blanket. She'd give them to Harry and the other boy when they woke up.

Ginny's sudden squeal stopped Hermione from opening her letter and to look up for an explanation, which Ginny happily supplied.

"I've been made Deputy Head Girl!" She cried while jumping up and down on the white rug, stained with pumpkin juice.

"That's great, Gin!" Hermione said hugging her best friend, "Does it say who Head boy and Girl are? And deputy head boy?"

"No," Ginny said shaking her head, "Just that the boys are in Slytherin and we'll all share a common room."

Hermione nodded and went back to her own letter. She quickly opened it and two letters as well as a shiny gold badge fell out. Picking up the first letter she read it.

Dear Miss Hermione Zabini,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited back to repeat your seventh year. Upon request from your biological parent, we have arranged for you to be re-sorted. Your school list is enclosed in the following.

Minerva McGongall

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" Hermione screeched causing Ginny to jump.

"What is it?" She asked quickly.

"This says that I'm a bloody Zabini! Like Blaise Zabini's twin! And I have to be re-sorted!" Hermione cried with a look of pure terror upon her face.

"I'm sure its mistaken. Open your other letter. They've seemed to have made you Head Girl!" Ginny said trying to keep Hermione calm.

"Your right!" Hermione said with a smile, forgetting the whole Zabini business.

Dear Miss Hermione Zabini,

Based on your passed academic illustration and other events, you have been chosen to be this years Head Girl. Your Deputy Head Girl is in Gryffindor and the Head Boys are Slytherins. Your common room is on the seventh floor behind a newly added portrait of Fred Weasley. Your password is Gred and Forge, a request from Fred Weasley's portrait himself. Term begins on September 1st as per usual.

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