Chapter 11- Learning For Others

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Ginny and Blaise crept up the stairs, and upon reaching Ginny's bedroom, used an extendable ear to here the conversation since Hermione had used a silencing charm.

"Mia, calm down, please! You hair is going haywire," Malfoy said.

"I'm fine Malfoy. But what the bloody hell is her deal! She bloody cut me open and used bloody sewing needles to try and stitch me up and when the bloody failed, just left me on the bloody table saying she was going to wait for the bloody bleeding to stop! She came back two bloody days later saying she was going to bloody try the damn surgery again. That went on for two weeks before I kicked her in her bloody oversized head and ran that hell out of there!" Hermione screamed.

"Feel better?" Draco asked her.

"No! Get your arse over here right now?"

"No way! I am not letting you hex me to vent out your anger," Draco said.

"I won't hex you, now come here or I'll change my mind!"

The sound of springs on a mattress could be heard as Draco stood up and then silence.

"What's going on in there?" Blaise whispered.

"No idea," Ginny said, "Let's look and see."

She pulled out her wand and started using advanced unlocking charms, knowing Hermione. When they managed to open the door fifteen minutes later, Ginny sighed in admiration while Blaise looked ready to kill.

Hermione and Draco were snuggled up on Hermione's bed, a book lying in there laps suggesting they had been reading together and fell asleep. Draco's arm was wrapped around her shoulders and the other on the book while Hermione's were wrapped around his waist. Her head was lying on his chest with Draco's head resting against hers.

"They are so cute," Ginny cooed.

"Your mental!" Blaise whisper-yelled, "Its disgusting. My best friend and twin sister are asleep and were cuddling."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's go back downstairs," Ginny rolled her eyes as she led, technically dragged, Blaise out of the room.

"Malfoy dead yet?" Harry asked as the two entered the room.

"No. Asleep," Ginny said, "And if any of you wake them I'll hurt you!"

"Them?" Bill asked.

"Hermione and Ferret," Ginny explained, "They fell asleep reading a book and don't wake them. The only time she doesn't get nightmares from the war is when she's near him and same goes for Ferret."

"That's oddly adorable," Molly said from her armchair.

"Yeah it is," Ginny said, "Too bad she didn't hex him though," she added as Blaise sat in the only remaining seat and Ginny sat on his lap, "Only yelled."

The room was met with silence until George cleared is throat and said, "Uh, Gin? Why're you sitting on Zabini's lap?"

Ginny rolled her eyes as Blaise blushed Scarlett and his hair went a light blue, "One, his name is Blaise, and two, he took the only seat so I'm improvising. Would you rather I sat on you?"

"Nope," George said throwing his hands up in surrender, "I'm good!"

"So Ginny," Astoria said, "Any idea when these affects where off?"

Ginny shook her head and sighed, "Nope. Dad, Percy, you work at the ministry. Do you know?"

"Sorry, dear we don't," Arthur said, "Very few people know about this situation."

Ginny nodded and silence over took them again.

The room soon started a casual conversation that was interrupted a couple hours later when Hermione screamed, "WAKE UP YOU STUPID FERRET!"

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