Chapter 7- Ministry Rules

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Draco's eyes fluttered open. He went to sit up, but felt something or someone next to him an froze. He carefully looked over and felt his heart quicken when he saw Hermione lying next to him, a smile on her face.

"Hermione?" Draco asked softly.

Hermione's eyes opened and at first she seemed confused. But when she looked at Draco, she smiled and leaned up so she could kiss him quickly.

"Good morning, handsome," She said.

"Hello, Mia," Draco said, surprised by what he called her, "Ready for lunch?"

Hermione nodded and jumped up quickly, Draco following her. They made their way downstairs to find Blaise and Ginny asleep on the couch, cuddling in a way that suggested they fell asleep watching the movie.

"Are you coming Draco?" Hermione asked from the door and Draco felt his stomach turn again at her saying his name.

"Yeah, let's go, Mia," Draco said as they walked out of the portrait.

Upon arriving in the Great Hall Hermione and Draco were met with many stares and whispers as they walked to the Slytherin Table. It must've been a weird sight to see with Draco looking bored and Hermione clinging onto him in and non-Hermione way.

"Draco," Hermione whined.


"I don't want to eat. I'm not hungry," Hermione said pushing her plate away.



"Yes, Mia." Draco sighed as Ginny and Blaise joined them.

"What's up?" Ginny asked.

"She won't eat," Draco sighed.

Ginny shrugged, "I can't do anything while she's under the potion. Good luck."

Draco gave her a frusturated look as he put Hermione's plate back in front of her, "Mia, eat."

"But I don't want to."

"You have to."


"Because I said so."

"So? I don't want to eat."

"Hermione, eat your food now."

"Will I get a kiss?"

"What?" Draco asked as Ginny started laughing.

"If I eat my food will you give me a kiss?" Hermione asked again.

"No!" Draco said while his mind was begging for him to agree.

"Then I'm not eating," Hermione said folding her arms across her chest.

"Ugh! Fine. Now eat," Draco said giving up.

"Yay!" Hermione said and started eating her food, excited to get a kiss.

"I am not going to make it an entire month with her," Draco sighed.

"I feel bad. Blaise is a lot easier than her. Must be because she is just now learning her metamorphungus crap. The most annoying Blaise gets is when he insists we cuddle." Ginny said.

"I envy you," Draco said glaring at her.

"Good," Ginny laughed, "Also I happen to have a bit of blackmail."


"Did you know that you and Hermione fell asleep together?"

"Yes. I woke up and there she was."

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