Chapter 10- Return of the Doctor

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(Picture of Emma Foster portrayed by Cozi Zuehlsdorff above)


Draco finally gave up as he couldn't run anymore and stopped, throwing his hands in the air, "I give up," he panted.

"Good," Hermione growled as she came near him, "That day I gave up! All I asked was that you help me choose a book! And what did you do? You kissed me!"

"Sorry," Draco mumbled.

"Sorry my arse," Hermione scoffed, "And you let me get away with blackmailing you? We both know your smart enough to bind me and force feed me food."

"Sorry," Draco said again a blush rising in his cheeks.

"Why?" Hermione asked as she looked up at him.

"What?" He asked looking into her eyes. Damn it! Her eyes always manipulated him and now he was stuck in them again.

"Why did you just let me kiss you?" Hermione asked. She was truthfully confused. He could've pushed her off, yet he just let her force herself on him.

"Well, uh, I uh.... Um..well... I don't know!" He finally exclaimed, "I don't know why! Its not my fault. Its yours!"

"Its my fault?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, well not you. Your eyes!" Draco said, " You just stared at me with those god damn chocolate colored eyes and they are just to damn manipulative the way you'd just stare at me begging! Curse your damn beautiful eyes!"

Hermione just stood their shocked while Draco raged about her eyes. What the hell was that about?

"And then I just couldn't say no! I don't know what was wrong with me. You just made me totally cool with it and, and, and, I just wanted to kiss you!" Draco confessed.

"Malfoy," Hermione said.

"What?" He asked not looking at her.

"Look at me."

"I can't. I've already told you, your eyes are like a drug and I don't want anymore. Okay that's the biggest lie I've ever said," he said mumbling the last part to himself, but Hermione heard.

"What'd you say?" She asked.

"I-I didn't say anything," Draco said his blush growing darker.

"Yes you did. You said that it was the biggest lie you've ever said," Hermione said, noticing the blush.

"Draco," she said slowly, "Draco, please look at me."

Reluctantly, Draco turned at look down at her. Her eyes were shining with curioisity and confusion as she looked at him. Her face a little flushed from his words and her perfect pink lips parted in shock.

Hermione stared into his gray eyes. She only then noticed they had specks of blue in them and they were full of sorrow and fear and something else that Hermione couldn't put of finger on. His cheeks were bright red from embarrassment.

Draco looked into her eyes and found himself being sucked info their brown pools.

"See," he whispered, "Your eyes are a drug. But not as much as...." He trailed off.

"Not as much as what?" Hermione whispered.

Draco looked at her for what felt like hours before he answered, "You. I swear you will be the death of me."

Before Hermione could react, Draco had pressed his lips to hers. She gave a small gasp, but kissed him back, loving the feeling of his lips on hers. She felt herself melt into him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and just kissed her softly as if he didn't want to ever do anything else in the world.

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