Chapter 3- Returning to Magic

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"We should wake them!" A voice whispered quite loudly.

"Don't you even think about it!" A second voice, most likely female hissed.

"But my best friend is literally cuddling with my sister!" The first voice argued.

"And you and I both know that this is probably the first time either of them have slept without some sort of nightmare since before the war!" The female shot back.

"That's true and all, but uh... Damn it woman! You win! But I'm hungry and she's the only one who can cook," the males voice complained.

"Godric, Blaise! I'll cook. I've got to have mums skills hidden in me somewhere," The girl said, dragging the boy called Blaise out of the room.

An hour later:

"I give up!" The girl cried, "Go wake your damn sister. I'm starved!"

"See, I was right," Blaise taunted.

"You seem to have forgotten that I'm the best person alive at the bat-boogey hex and I'm of age, so if I were you I'd keep the teasing to a minimum," the girl said slyly.

Blaise gulped and nodded before sprinting into the sitting room screaming, "I'M BEING THREATENED BY A HORMONAL TEENAGE WITCH! SOMEONE HELP ME!"

"BLAISE! What the bloody hell?" Hermione screeched as she tried to jump up, but couldn't.

She looked dosn and found a pair of pale arms encircling her waist tightly. She looked up to see Draco Malfoy sleeping next to her on the couch.

"Bloody hell!" She said, "How do you sleep through that?"

When Malfoy didn't respond she started shaking him, "Malfoy, wake up!"

"Five more days mum," Malfoy muttered pulling Hermione so close that she couldn't move an inch if her body. She was now stuck between Malfoy and the back of the couch.

"Bloody perfect," she muttered, "Malfoy wake up right now!"

No response.

Hermione gave a frustrated groan as Blaise said, "Be careful waking him. You'll only get more trapped."

"Thanks for the tip, now help me!" Hermione said but it came out muffled from her face in Malfous chest.

"I'm not stupid enough to do that," Blaise said, "He'll kill me! You'll be lucky if you walk out unscared."


"Yes, Hermione?"

"I hate you."

"Love you too, sis!"


"Shut up," Malfoy mumbled in his sleep, adjusting himself so he was now practically face to face with Hermione.

"Are you awake?" Hermione asked.

Yet again, he didn't respond.

"Mione! Are you up yet?" Ginny asked coming into the room.

"Yes I'm bloody up! But I'm a little stuck here," Hermione said angerly, turning her head to look at Ginny.

"Just wake him up," Ginny said shaking him, "Oi! Malfoy! Get your arse up! Some girl is here for you."

"Who is it?" He mumbled.

"Uh- Pansy?"

"Tell her to get a life," Malfoy said as he pulled Hermione even closer if it was possible.

An idea suddenly popped into Ginny's head and a smirk that could go to war with Malfoy appeared on her face, "Wake up or Hermione will kiss you."

"Ginny!" Hermione exclaimed.

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