Chapter 13- Light Blue Hair

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"Hermione hurry up! Breakfast starts in ten minutes!" Blaise called through the door.

"I'm trying!" Hermione yelled back, "Malfoy! Turn around or I will hex your eyes off!"

Pouting, Malfoy turned around and let Hermione change quickly before they left the room.

"Having fun?" Blaise asked with a smirk.

"I should kill you now, Zabini," Hermione sighed.

"Heh, hey, hey! No suicidal thoughts now," Blaise joked.

"How are you even my brother?" She asked.

"Well, to make a baby-"

"Stop! Just stop right there or I will throw your sorry ass of the Astronomy Tower," Hermione threatened covering her ears.

"If you wish," Blaise said earning a groan from Hermione as she slapped his shoulder.

"Malfoy," Hermione said as they entered the Great Hall, "What are you doing?"

"Smelling your hair."

"That's creepy."

"I know."


"Blaise stop laughing!"

Blaise was currently rolling on the floor next to the Slytherin table, laughing his head off.

Hermione gave a frustrated groan as she sat, "One week, Mione. You can do it. One week."

One week later:

"Alright class, the potions will wear off soon so start working on your essays," Emorta said, "Unfortunately my assistance is required by the Headmistress, so Miss Zabini and Mr Malfoy, please watch over the class until I return."

"Of course, Professor." Hermione said as Emorta left, "Malfoy! Stop touching my hair!"

"But its so soft," Malfoy complained.



That shut Blaise up immediately and caused the class to errupt in silent giggles.

After awhile people started returning to normal as the potions wore off.

"Geez," Ginny gasped as she came back, "Okay. Wow. Did I do anything?"

"Nope," Blaise said.

Ginny looked down and realized she was sitting in his lap, "Oh sorry."

"Its fine," Blaise shrugged while Ginny continued to sit on him. It had become their thing now.

"Only Malfoy now," Hermione sighed as she attempted to write her essay while Draco played with her hair.

"Okay! Malfoy! What do you want?" Hermione asked, finally giving up on her essay due to Malfoy playing with her hair.

"Nothing," Draco grinned.

"Its obviously something! You won't stop touching my hair," Hermione argued.

"Sorry. Its not my fault. Your hair is your best feature. Besides your eyes. I hate your eyes. The just suck me in and make my stomach flip over like I'm on that muggle rollycoaster thing," Malfoy said using his hands to show what he meant.

"Awwww," Almost every girl said while the boys looked generally disgusted.

"That's sweet, Malfoy, but I'm trying to do my work," Hermione said.

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