Chapter 2- Surprises

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After the two girls packed their trunks and said goodbye to the Weasleys, well all but him, they each took one of Blaise's hands, and he apparated them to the Manor. It was stunning (Picture Above)

"This is your house?" Ginny asked.

"Sì," Blaise responded.

"What language is that?" Ginny asked.

"Italian," Blaise answered, "Everyone in our family speaks it. Draco and I find it funny to talk in Italian in the middle of classes. Teachers have no idea what we say."

"Alcuni studenti, però, (Some students do though,)" Hermione said.

"You speak Italian?" Ginny asked.

"Yep," Hermione said, "I speak lots of languages."

"Which ones?" Blaise questioned.

"Well obvoisly Italian. But also Spanish, Greek, German, Norwegian, French-"

"You speak French?" Ginny exclaimed.

"Pourquoi bien sûr, Ginny chérie (Why of course, Ginny dear)" Hermione responded.

"Maintenant, nous avons notre propre langage secret! (Now we have our own secret language!)" Blaise said in French.

Hermione gave a laugh while Ginny just stared bewildered, "What did he say?"

"That now we have our own secret language. Most people don't know French at Hogwarts." Hermione answered.

"Right," Ginny said.

"Come on, I'll show you each your rooms," Blaise said, levitating the trunks and walking inside.

The went up the stairs in the center of the room when you enter the house, and turned left down the corridor.

"Your room, dear sister," Blaise said signalling to a door on the right.

Hermione opened it and gasped.

Hermione's room:

Hermione wandered into the bathroom through the door on the side

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Hermione wandered into the bathroom through the door on the side.

Hermione wandered into the bathroom through the door on the side

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