Chapter 6- Stuck In Love

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As the bell rang signalling the end of classes, Draco and Ginny stood up and walked to their dorm with their love sick twins following.

"I don't think I can make it a whole month with her acting like this," Draco groaned.

"Just snog her all day," Ginny shrugged, "You'll win that way."

Draco rolled his eyes as Ginny continued speaking, "Also why do you never call Hermione by her name? Its always pronouns like she or her."

"Well, Zabini isn't fitting and Blaise flips out when I say Granger, but were not on a first name basis so I can't exactly call her well, Hermione. It even sounds weird coming out of my mouth," Draco said.

"Call her Mione then or something. Give her a nickname," Ginny suggested.

"That actually a good idea," Draco said thoughtfully as they approached the portraiat of Fred.

"Hey Fred!" Ginny said.

"Hey there little sis, ferret, uh what's wrong with those two?" Fred asked as he looked over at Blaise and Hermione who were giggling with each other and constantly pointing at Ginny and Draco.

"They are under a love potion for the next month. An assignment from the ministry itself," Ginny said.

"That's sucks. At least Malfoy will enjoy it," Fred said winking.

"Why would I?" Malfoy asked.

"He siriusly hasn't realized?" Fred asked looking at Ginny.

"Nope. And if I bring it up he'll deny it. We have to wait for the right time to trick him into admitting it," Ginny said with a coy smile on her face.

"Him is standing right here!" Malfoy said.

"What's with you and always using pronouns?" Ginny asked.

"What's a bloody pronou- you know what! I don't want to know! Gred and Forge."

"As you wish," Fred said as he swung open the portrait, "Until next time little sis, ferret, lovesick twins."

"Weaselette?" Draco said after about an hour in the common room reading.

"Yes, ferret?"

"Watch Hermione."

"Hey congrats! You actually said her name!"

"Shut up and make sure she doesn't kill anyone."

"Why can't you?"

"I'm taking a shower."

"Take her with you."

"That's disgusting."

"Like you haven't done it with other girls."


"Wait you haven't?! Huh, who would've thought."

"Shut up and watch her."

"Aye aye captain."

"Call me that again and I'll hex you."

"Alright, captain."


Draco trudged up the stairs when he heard Ginny yell, "She won't listen! Be prepared."

Moments later Hermione appeared next to Draco, "Where'd you go?"

"I'm taking a shower, go sit with Ginny."

"But I want to stay with you," Hermione complained as she gripped his arm.

"Sorry. I'm going to take a shower and then you are," Draco said shaking out if her grip.

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