"So, I was thinking we could see a movie or something."

The four of them are cramped around a small cafeteria table munching on grilled cheese sandwiches and hamburgers.

"The new James Bond is out, we could see that," Amber says eying her friends excitedly.

"You still have the hots for that guy, don't you?" Hanna asks with an amused smile. 

Grinning a mouthful of hamburger at her friend Amber nods making her hair dance around her head. "Of course! Have you seen the muscle on him?"

The girls start off on the good looks of the latest Bond actor, making Timmoy roll his eyes at Daniel, who in turn smiles around his grilled cheese. When Amber gives a very detailed description of a scene in a former movie where the actor's butt had been visible Timmoy grunts dramatically. "Great, now /that/ movie is ruined for me."

"Don't worry my friend," Amber smiles sweetly while patting his head, "we'll make a man out of you yet."

"You will do no such thing!" Timmoy exclaims batting her hand away; sending the girls into a giggle-fit.

"I wouldn't mind seeing it," Daniel speaks up, small smile tugging on his lips due to Timmoy's expression of utter betrayal. Kissing Daniel's cheek Amber puts an arm around his shoulders.

"You see," she says at Timmoy, "unlike you Daniel isn't intimidated by male beauty. He is /man/ enough to appreciate a fine ass no matter who it belongs to." 

The look Timmoy throws them makes Daniel feel giddy. "I guess I am," he says eying his friend, "I /am/ man enough to admit Bond has a tight ass. I mean, I have eyes." 

When Timmoy starts fake-retching into Hanna's bag, she snatches it away from him. Laughing Daniel finds himself relax for the first time he /got back/. At least one thing hasn't changed.

Chewing on his last bite it takes a moment before Daniel notices there's a weird taste to the food. Moving his tongue around his mouth he tries to locate it, but the entire bite seems soiled. Taking a napkin he spits the food into the paper. 

"Everything alright?"

Looking up he sees Hanna watching him, worry in her eyes. He doesn't like the look. A bit abruptly he stands from the table and muttering an inaudible excuus he makes to throw the napkin away. Tossing it in the bin next to the counter his chest does a funny thing when his eyes catch the red stains on the white paper. But before he can respond the napkin has disappeared into the dark, no doubt trash-filled, bin. Confused Daniel stares at the bin. He didn't use ketchup, so why would there be any red in his grilled cheese sandwich?

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