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He avoids her eyes. His teacher is looking at Daniel /like that/. It makes him sigh inwardly. When are people gonna stop treating him like this? Like the kid who disappeared? The only thing he wants is for things to go back to normal.

Thanking his teacher Daniel accepts the personalized program, created for him to catch up with the last months of school he missed. Outside the room Hanna and Timmoy are waiting for him.

"Everything okay?" Hanna asks, a small frown on her face. Shrugging his shoulders Daniel shows them the program.

"Looks like even more homework for you bro," Timmoy grins. "Don't worry man, you can copy mine."

"As if that is gonna do him any good," Hanna bristles, but Timmoy just laughs at her.

"Don't be so tight girl, jeez. The man has been God knows where. Last thing he needs is more brainwashing by homework."

Daniel very hard pretends his best friend didn't just shout that through the hall, making everybody look at them.

"Still," Hanna says, "things need to go back to normal at some point. Might as well start with brainwashing homework."

Daniel looks at her and she shrugs her shoulders. A genuine smile breaks his face and blinking up at him Hanna blushes slightly before breaking eye-contact. Daniel feels so grateful to her for saying that, he could almost kiss her.

"Besides," Hanna continues to Timmoy, "/if/ he would copy anyone's homework, it would be Amber's. Yours wouldn't even help a toddler fill in a coloring book."

"Oh ha ha woman, you're so damn funny."

Just outside the school they find Amber sucking face with boyfriend number six, or something, Daniel hasn't really been keeping score.

The moment they are in her line of sight Amber tears herself away from the guy and runs towards them. Waving at number six she slings her bag over her shoulder before facing them.

"God I'm so bored," she complains, making Daniel grin. He can't help it, Amber is inexcusable.

"Let's go do something fun," she says, already walking away from them. Timmoy sprints to catch up with her leaving Daniel and Hanna to follow behind.

"I'm hungry," Timmoy says. Abruptly Amber shoves him away.

"Don't be disgusting," she scolds, "even in your dreams that ain't happening."

The shock on Timmoy's face is very real as he scrambles back to her side. "What? Chick, I'm serious. I am /hungry/. Jeez."

Next to him Daniel hears Hanna chuckle and looking at her she smiles at him. Hesitantly he smiles back.

Just as they're leaving school grounds Daniel catches the small group of students watching them. Swallowing he turns away from the intrusive stares. One pair of eyes seems to be boring holes into his back more than the others.

"Melvyn is staring at you," Hanna whispers, confirming Daniel's feeling. "I hear he's been looking for you."

Sighing deeply Daniel's shoulders slump a bit. "I know."

Hanna opens her mouth to say something else but is distracted when Amber practically jumps her to plant sloppy kisses all over her face. After which Hanna doesn't mention Melvyn again and Daniel feels oddly relieved about that.

**AUTHOR'S NOTE** Thank you to anyone reading this rough first draft of my story. I appreciate it so much! Feel free to leave a comment to tell me what you think, or, if you like these chapters, to give them a vote :)

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