Chapter Seven - What Happened Last Night

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When James left the cafe, and headed towards Rita's house. He had to settle a problem.

*Knock, Knock*

Rita opens the door and her smile fades. "What are you doing here? Another fish delivery?"

"Rita, can we talk? In... Private?" James said with a look of concern on his face.



Rita shut the door and headed upstairs to the living room with him.

"We need to talk." James said.

"We sure do..."

"About last night... What happened?"

"What do you mean?" Rita asked.

"You started acting really weird after a few drinks." James said cautiously. He was worried that his next few words would worry Rita. "I brought you back here and put you to bed. We can't make a better first date story, can we?" He said with a laugh.

Rita shook her head. "Um... No... The first time is the first time."

"Are you okay? Rita?" James sounded worried, which was a good response considering that Rita was slowly sitting herself on the couch while muttering "no" under her breath. She had just remembered that last night was a full moon. How could she be so stupid? First, you NEVER mix alcohol and the full moon. It's a recipe for disaster. Secondly, she's a mermaid. She knew it was the full moon and she went out anyways.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay, well, I'm gone... I'll, uh, see you later, Rita." James said.

Rita quickly stood up and walked over to him. "Um, actually, James, do you want to stay for a cup of tea or coffee?"

"Yeah. I think I do..." James said as he looked into Rita's eyes.

"So, which is it? Coffee or tea?" Rita questioned with a laugh.

"Oh, yeah. Um, coffee." James said. "I've got a long day today."

"Really? What're you doing?" Rita asked as she got a cup out of the cabinet.

"Um, well. David gave me the rest of the day off. So, I'm gonna head over to a place downtown and take some classes. Just random ones... I'm not sure. I'm just going with the flow." He said.

"Um... Anything else?" Rita asked.

"Well, um... I'm going down to the research facility near the Conch Beach." He said.

"That's a pretty long way." Rita told him as she handed him a cup of French vanilla coffee. "What are you going to be doing down there?"

"It's just some research for a study..." He said. "Mmm... This is really good."

"Yeah... It's a family recipe." She smiled.

James picked up the coffee package, "This is French Vanilla flavored... From Nestle..."

"Okay, so maybe not..."

"Okay, well, I'd better go. It was good seeing you." James said. "Promise you'll be fine?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine... You know, it's cute that you care that much about me..." Rita said.

"Well, of course I would. Last night, you looked a little on edge." He moved a piece of hair out of her face with his free hand.

"Thank you..."

"It was just a stray hair."

"No, I mean last night. I'm not good when I'm drunk..." She told him.

"You were good last night..."

He reached down and locked his lips onto hers. Rita, taken back, tried pulling away, but as she did that, James pulled her closer. 'It's not that bad,' she thought. She put her arms around his neck, and pulled him closer.

"Ow... Rita, that was my toe..."

"Sorry," Rita apologized. "Okay, we shouldn't be doing this.

James pulled her back into the kiss. They walked over to the couch and fell into it.

"Hey, Rita, are the fish here... yet?" Ondina asked as she walked in...

"Um, yeah. It's in the fridge." Rita said as she almost rolled off the couch.

"Agh! What are you two doing?!" Ondina said as she said walked in and saw them.

"Damn it... James get off me." She said as she jumped up and off the couch. "Um... What're you two doing here?"

"I came for the.... Food? Are you okay?" Zac said as he followed Ondina up the stairs.

"James, I'll see you later..." Rita said and sent him away.

"Okay? I'll call you, later..." James said, kissed her, and left.

Rita touched her cheek where he kissed her, "Bye..."

"Okay, what was that?" Ondina asked as she snacked on some prawns.

"I don't know." Rita said mysteriously. "There's something about him that throws me off..."

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