Chapter Eleven - Revealing Secrets

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"I'm NEVER going back in there ever again!"

"Calm down, Ondina... There are people here." Weilan said. They had all just watched It. A pretty scary movie. Ondina, Zac, Mimmi, Chris, Weilan, and Sirena just came out of there. Of course, Mimmi, Sirena, and Ondina were terrified of everything after that. They had never watched a horror movie before.

"No... I agree with her..." Mimmi said.

"Same." Sirena agreed.

"I just wish the others could come." Zac said.

"Yeah, they've had a big rush week." Mimmi said. "Maybe it's because that one restaurant closed down on the other side of the city." They all nodded their agreement.

The mermaid's moon rings started glowing.

"That's the mermaid council. We better go..." Sirena said.

"It's not good to keep Veridia waiting." Ondina said. Mimmi kissed Chris goodbye and they left.

"Wanna watch another one?" Zac asked.

"Sure." Chris said.


"You summoned us, Veridia?" Sirena asked as they surfaced the moon pool.

"Yes. The family we have been warning the pod of has been spotted. At least one of their members has." Veridia stated.

"Why'd you call us?" Ondina asked.

"You have saved the pod before. I need you to do it again." Deena, another member of the council, said.

"What exactly happened?" Weilan said.

"We saw the merman swimming away with a mermaid today. We don't know who the mermaid was, but we're trying figure it out. All we need you to do is figure out where the family is." Veridia said. "Just to keep an eye on them."

"Why are they dangerous?" Mimmi asked. "I haven't seen any action on land."

"Me neither." Sirena said.

"Can you tell us who they are?" Ondina asked.

"How many times do we have to explain?" Veridia mumbled. "This family is from the Mediterranean Sea. The pod had to move from there because of a war long ago. A war caused by their family."

"That's impossible or else they would be dead by now." Mimmi said.

"Let me finish." Veridia said. "Anyways, the family are ancestors to them... They hold great power that could unleash great dangers among Mako and other special islands."

"Other special islands?" Weilan asked.

"There are other islands around the world with moon pools." Deena stated.

"What do you need us to do?" Sirena asked.

"Find out what the merman does on land. Find out who he associates with. He's the man of the family." Veridia said.

"Okay. Do you know what his name is?" Ondina asked.

"James. James De Luca." Deena said.

Ondina's eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" Mimmi asked.

"Yeah, I just think a, um, fish bit my tail..." Ondina stuttered.

"Okay?" Veridia said. "Anyways, try to see if you can get information on him or the family."

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