Chapter Eight - The Grotto

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"I cannot believe I've never been down here!" Carly exclaimed as Sirena pulled a Mermaid Myth book from the bookshelf.

"Well, I guess you both deserve to see it. Seeing as you all have... tails..." Sirena told Carly, David, and Cam.

"Yeah. How did that happen?" David asked her.

"Well, if you're in the moon pool during a full moon, then you'll get transform int-" Cam said and was then interrupted from the death stare Sirena was giving him. "All right, we're changing the subject. So has anyone else been in here, or has any idea what it looks like?"

David and Carly both shook their heads.

"Well, we have and it's amazing..." Cam said while they all muttered their congratulations under their breath. "Ok. So, are we going to tell Rita? Or the pod?"

"Um... I haven't told... Anyone." Sirena said quietly as they viewed the entrance to the grotto.

"WHAT?!" They all shouted at Sirena.

"Calm it down! People are trying to sleep!!!" Rita yelled from her room upstairs.

"Okay... This is it. This is the grotto..." Sirena told them all.

"Whoa... This is amazing." Carly said.

They all walked in staring in awe. They couldn't believe their eyes. Sirena just sat back and watched as they looked around. It was an underground staircase spiraling down to a pool much like the moon pool. A secret entrance to the ocean. Along the way, there was a cave much like a living room. It had lavish furniture with colorful curtains, potions and magical ingredients on shelves, and a small table in the middle of the room with huge bean bag chairs surrounding it.

"This is amazing." David said. He was going to say something else, but, unfortunately, Veridia walked in.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Veridia questioned.

"They're just down here... for... a, um, tour of the house." Sirena said, stuttering.

"Oh, um, yeah. We wanted to see what it looked like, so Sirena showed us." Carly said.

"We'll just be going..." David said.

"No, stay. This wouldn't be a part of the tour considering it's, well, private. Sirena, what are they doing down here?" Veridia asked.

"Okay. Guys, I'm gonna tell her. Veridia," Sirena started. "Last night, during the full moon, we were dragged along under the full moon to Mako. They all followed along wanting to make sure we were okay. We appeared in the moon pool. A few seconds later, so did they."

"So, they have tails?" Veridia asked.

"Yes," Sirena said shamefully. "But please don't kick us out of the pod. It was an accident. I swear. Plus, they already knew about mermaids and promised to keep it a secret. So, at least we can trust them."

"I'm not going to kick you out of the pod, Sirena." Veridia said. "After all you've done for our home, you don't deserve it. I trust you to do the right thing."

They all thanked her.

"Anyways, is Rita here? I've been needing to speak to her." Veridia asked.

"Um... Yeah. She's in her room, I think." Sirena said.

"Okay. I'll see you all later then." She said, then left.

"That was close... So, what are we going to do?" Carly asked.

"Well, hopefully, Mimmi can change you three back." Sirena said.

"I don't want to change back! This is awesome!" Cam said. They all glared at him.

"It's for the best... I'm sorry, but you don't know how to properly use your powers, or how to make sure you don't get wet..." Sirena said.

"Alright, we'll do it... If it's really for the best..." David said.

"It is. Trust me." Said Sirena.

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