Chapter 2

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That was five years ago. Five long years in which many things had happened.

One, Percy and Annabeth had gotten married. He had desperately tried to locate Nico, wanting him to be there, but, he hadn't shown up. In Percy's mind, Nico was a best friend, a brother, something Nico never wanted to be to him.

Secondly, Piper and I had realized we weren't compatible. Sure, she was still my best friend, second only to Leo or maybe Percy, but she was an Aphrodite child through and through whether or not she wanted to play around with hearts or not.

Next was Leo. He had found a girl, Lennox was her name and married her a mere year later. She was very much like my sister in many ways except one: she wasn't a demigod. Lennox and Leo had a daughter, which they had named Liesel after Lennox's favorite book, the Book Thief. She was four years old now.

Frank and Hazel moved in together and had gone back to school to finish their educations, much like the rest of us.

As for camp, well Camp Jupiter was still running smoothly. Reyna was still as steely as usual, and great for advice. I went and visited her ever so often, usually when I went looking for Nico with yearning hope that he might, just might be there waiting.

Camp Half Blood was same as usual.

As for me? Well, I had dated over the years, both guys and girls. Leo and Piper always used to joke and say, "Jason, you're too kind to turn someone down just because of their gender."

In an odd way, it was true, I guess.

I lived alone in a small apartment in Park Slope, Brooklyn near Percy and Annabeth and Leo and Frank and Hazel.

I got up every morning around five and went for a run and then got back and then drove about twenty minutes to NYU where I was studying to become a mythology and history teacher.

I walked around my apartment which I had painted a soft shade of yellow and sat on the couch. I opened my laptop and played some music from it before picking up my copy of the mythology book that had been assigned for class.

I was just getting into it when there was a knock on the door. I let out a world-weary sigh and hopped off the couch, shutting my laptop as I went.

I moved slowly through my apartment and finally made it to the door. I opened it boredly.

"Hello." I said before I looked at who it was. "N-Nico!"

He grinned and stuck his hands in his pockets. "Hey Jason, miss me?" Nico was now taller than me by a good three inches. His hair was dark and thick, falling just past his ears and into his forehead. His dark eyes sparkled and his skin was darker, possibly the healthy olive that it once was. 

And he was smiling. A soft smile that reached his eyes was displayed on his face and I couldn't help but notice that he had developed into his features and was now extremely handsome. Ridiculously so.

Nico wore a black  v-neck long sleeved shirt that had the sleeves scrunched up to his elbows with dark blue jeans and red sneakers.

I was too far in shock to realize I had been staring at him for a good minute.

"May I come in? Or are you just going to stare at me in the hall? I think I'd look better in front of a more scenic area." He laughed at the end and god, was his voice deep and damn sexy.

I replaced my embarrassment with anger.

"Where the hell have you been for five years?" I asked him as I moved around the kitchen and brandished a cooking spoon at his head angrily.

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