Chapter 15

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It was a particularly rainy Saturday morning that had Nico and I hulled up inside that yellow house on the edge of town.

He was still asleep in the other room, but I was standing at the window while Gracie-Ann bounced around my ankles.

One thought had bugged me ever since I had been reunited with Nico. Just one little detail of his story that refused to make sense no matter how many different ways I put it.

There was a small creaking and the door to the bedroom opened.

I smiled and handed the taller man my cup of coffee, kissing him on the cheek.

"Nico, how long did you say you've been in Seattle?"

He drank out of the cup and sighed. "Two years, why?"

"Nico," I started slowly. "If Evalynn was four years old when she died, and you've only been in Seattle for two, how is that possible? Exactly who is her mother?" I said, choosing my words carefully as to not bring back any old memories.

He sighed and looked at his feet, his teeth grazing his bottom lip. "I didn't tell you the whole story because at the time my daughter had recently died and I was still trying to get over it with as few memories of the ordeal as possible."

I nodded, once again slow with my actions. "Continue," I pressed.

"You can get as mad at me as you want. I probably deserve it for lying, or not telling you the whole truth. Calypso is...was Eva's mother. We were both bored and stupid and there and it kind of just happened. When I was freed from the island Callie wanted me to take Eva to go live a normal life and grow up in the real world instead of on Ogygia. I'm so sorry Jay, I should have told you sooner."

I blinked up at him before moving forwards and encasing him in a hug.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear.

The coffee was set on the nearest table before he started hugging back again.

"I love you too, Jay."

I sighed with relief and satisfaction and squeezed him closer.

"Can we talk about something?" He asked suddenly. I pulled away and nodded.

"Sure, what is it?"

"You have to go home at some point," He said, stating the obvious. My shoulders dropped a little.

"I don't want to go home, you know that."

"Yeah, I know, but I can't pull you away from your future. You have to finish college, I'm not going to be the reason you don't get to live a normal life." I opened my mouth to speak but Nico held up his hand. "And then," He took a deep breath. "And then I was thinking that you could come and live with me. We don't have to stay in Seattle, we could go anywhere in the world."

My body relaxed and a smile graced my face. "Of course. I'd go anywhere with you, but this is your home."

He shook his head. "No." Nico moved closer and put his hand over my heart. "My home is wherever you are, cliche as it sounds. You were the best friend I never wanted, but you somehow managed to wheedle your way in and cling on." He smiled and laughed and my smile grew.

"Only one more year," I mused. "Only about four hundred days left, and every break you'll visit me in New York or I'll come here. Deal. Just as long as you don't go off driving anymore. I don't think I trust you in a car anymore."

I wrapped Nico up in my arms and laid my head on his shoulder. I listened to the rain pour as Nico's heart beat with mine, rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet.

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