Chapter 5

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I wanted him to tell me why he was gone. I wanted to know why he had caused so much pain on us, his friends, and come back years later as if it was not a big deal.

"I moved out to Seattle two years ago and started college at Seattle University after enrolling. Since my dad is Hades, which you already know, he gave me money. A lot of it. I bought a house and a dog close to the school. It's really a wonderful community, and much cleaner and safer than here in New York City. Anyways, since I got back,"

Got back from where?

"I didn't know anyone. I walked outside one day to go down to the bookstore, and that's where I met Sylvia. We dated for a while, never anything too serious or intimate, but she was like a best friend. Through her I met a lot of my friends. After we decided to break up, and it was decided. We both wanted to experiment with other people and try new things, but we stayed friends. A month later I met Adam, who was in one of my classes. I'm going to school to be a doctor, you see. We decided to pair up to work on a load of homework together, and ended up not doing any of it," He said shamelessly. And why should he be ashamed? He's gorgeous!

"So, we also dated a while, and then there was a nasty breakup. We got over it and became friends later, but there was some physical fighting first. Emmet, one of my friends I met elsewhere and not through Sylvia came over to help me with the black eye Adam gave me. We started dating a short while after."

"What about us?" I cut in. "Why didn't you come visit us?" Nico's eyes told me to wait. I snapped my mouth shut and listened.

"I thought about you and the rest of them every day. You haunted my thoughts-"

"Me? Just me?"

"You guys haunted my thoughts," He corrected. "Hazel, Annabeth, you, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Percy. I wondered how you were getting on, and occasionally traveled to the East Coast to check to see that you were okay. You were. Every time."

"Why'd you never say anything?" I was sure I knew the answer to that.

"I wasn't ready to. All the pain that still ached in my heart, all the bad memories," He sighed. "I just wasn't ready to face it. I was a coward, but it was necessary. I needed a new life, I needed a new start. I needed to focus on myself before I could focus on others. And it wasn't selfish." I nodded.

I missed you Nico, a lot.

"A few days ago, three to be exact, I woke up and decided it was time to sort out my past. I found your apartment, and came here. That takes us to now."

Oh, gods how I wanted to know what Nico had been doing for the three years previous to his last story.

"I'm glad you're here," I said, for maybe the second or third time within that 48 hour time span.

And, as always, his answer remained the same. "I'm glad to be here."

I headed off to bed, and that night, the apartment felt warmer than ever.


The bar I had dragged Nico the next night was hopping with people. I expected him to look completely clausterphobic with all the people dancing and making out and drinking with each other in such close proximities, but instead he looked just dandy with people bumping into him.

He ordered a beer, just like I had, and we took a seat at the bar.

"So why'd you take me here?" The dark haired man asked me as he took a swig out of the bottle.

"I wanted you to have fun. Might as well make the most out of the few days that you're here."

"Alright. I'll be right back." He stood up and winked at me. "Brunette over there is eyeing you." He pointed across the bar to a pretty brunette girl staring shamelessly at me. He left and I saw her get up.

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