Chapter 11

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The bed didn't feel quite right without Jason in there. I missed the morning kisses and drinking coffee just wasn't the same. Gracie even seemed more down than usual. I felt sad about Evalynn all over again, and even my friends couldn't seem to cheer me up.

It felt odd to have the person I loved more than anything in the world on the other side of the country. It didn't feel right.

I still had Jason's birthday present to give to him, but that was scheduled for his actual birthday.

I reached down and ruffled the fur on top of Gracie's head. She barked happily and licked my face before bounding off to go eat. I laughed and sat down at the kitchen table. I had classes today, but they didn't start until eleven so I had a good two hours to walk around town with Gracie and restock my fridge. Jason had nearly eaten everything in it, but that didn't surprise me after I had seen the way Romans ate at Camp Jupiter.

I picked up the phone as I made coffee and dialed the number Hazel had given me of hers and Frank's apartment.

She picked up after just over two rings.

"Hello?" She said, sounding a bit rushed.

"Hey Haze, how's it going?"

"Nico! Sorry if I talk fast, Frank and I just adopted a kitten and it's running everywhe-no! No Winona, not on the couch!" I laughed as she rescued the couch.


"Yeah, we named her after Winona Ryder who plays Kim in Edward Scissorhands. Frank absolutely loves that movie, but it scares me. Don't tell him that. I think he knows, but just loves playing the big protective boyfriend."

I laughed again. "So what's been happening other than adopting a kitten?"

The motion I had heard previously on the other end stopped, and I could picture Hazel leaning against the wall with the land line cord wrapped around her.

"Oh, you know, not much. Classes at NYU, but other than that all has been calm."

"That's good."

"How about you? What's been going on in your life? I heard you had Jason out to your place for a week?"

"Yeah, yeah I did." I smiled. "He's my boyfriend now, so that happened."

She sucked in a breath of air. "Boyfriend...? As in you and Jason?"

"The very one."


"Thanks Haze." I leaned against the kitchen counter, stretching the land-line across the kitchen. Gracie took interest in batting at the spiral cord.

"Well, what else? Anything?"

I pursed my lips. "Not unless you count I have classes today and going food shopping. Oh! Yes, I remember now. I have a task for you. Could you spread the word to everybody but Jason that Jason is having a surprise party at his apartment on Wednesday? It'll be after his classes, so at seven p.m., and I'll distract him beforehand after getting it all set up?"

"Um, yeah, I think I can do that."

"Thanks again. Well I should probably go if I want to get everything done. It was nice talking to you sis."

"Yeah, bye Nico! I love you and stay safe on the other side of the country!"

"I will. Bye Hazel." The phone line clicked and then went dead. I put the phone back on the wall and poured the coffee. I walked into my room and got dressed in a red Green Day t-shirt (the one of the heart grenade) and a pair of jeans. I brushed my teeth and hair and pulled on my red tennis shoes.

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