Chapter 4

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Everyone cleared out around midnight, long after Leo, Lennox, and Leisel had. Leisel, being the adorable baby she was, had knocked out around eight on my chest and her parents had taken her home to sleep.

It was a wonder we had all ended up in New York City after the war with Gaea had ended. But then again, not all of us had. I hadn't, for one.

I sighed and stared at the door. Hazel had pulled me down by the collar of my shirt and made me promise her that I would stop by their (hers and Frank's) apartment every Thursday for a chat and a drink.

"Nico, I want you to stay with me." Jason's words caught me by surprise, and he flushed deeply in realization of what he just said.


"I mean, I want you to stay in my apartment until you get one of your own and get back on your feet."

"Grace," I said, using his last name instead of his first. "I can't sleep on your couch forever. I mean, thanks for the offer and all, but I'm fine, really. I've got a small house in Seattle, and a dog. I've also been attending classes at Seattle University. I made some friends, I've become more social. I'm on my feet, Jason."

Disappointment flickered across his face and I felt a twinge of guilt at turning down his offer.

"Oh, okay man, well, visit would you?"

"Jay, listen, I'm sorry. I want to stay-"

"Then why can't you?" He blinked slowly and stared at a point just off of my left ear.

"New York," I sighed. "It just has too many bad memories. My sister, Camp Half Blood..." I trailed off but Jason got the gist.

"When are you leaving?"

"Maybe in the next few days? I've got a neighbor taking care of Gracie-Ann, but I can't be gone for too long. She's just a puppy and I miss her." I realized how sappy I must sound, but shrugged it off.

"I'm glad you're letting something into your heart," Jason said. I knew there was more to that statement than he was letting on, but allowed a smile to lift the corners of my mouth.

"Just come and visit, would you? It's been a long five years without you here." His eyes shone with hurt and loss as he said this, but I didn't let it get to me.

"Yes, but things wouldn't be the same if I had stayed. Things happen for a reason, it's a good thing I left."

The son of Jupiter let out  a scoff. "Maybe for you."

I stayed silent, staring down at him. He was still refusing to look me in the eyes, or anywhere on me.

"Let's just-go to bed, alright?" He said, and I could easily detect the agitation in his voice.

"Sure, sure Jason." He stalked off to his room and shut the door a little harder than usual.

I stared at the chipped white paint on the door blankly, nothing running through my head. I felt the overwhelming need to calm down and walked out of the apartment down to the street below.

It was cold out, and I leaned on the side of the gray building, with my right leg bent against it.

I stuck a cigarette between my teeth and fumbled around in my pocket for a lighter. I took a long drag on the poison once I had it lit and let my head fall back against the concrete wall. My eyes were closed and the shadows swirled around my feet.

I had gotten my power under control long long since the great war and was much better for it.

People stared at me as they walked by, which was odd because New York is like the home for all smokers, and I ignored them.

The door to the apartment building flew open and I opened my eyes, the fear of getting jumped by monsters from hell (literally) still very alive inside of me.

Jason walked out in the middle of yelling my name.

"-ICO?" I turned my head to acknowledge him and the man's shoulders relaxed.

"I thought you left..." He explained, trailing off at the end. I nodded.

"I didn't leave, I just needed, you know-" I waved the hand holding the cigarette in the air and Jason stuck his hands in his pockets.

"I wish you wouldn't," He said.

"I wish I didn't," I agreed with him. "But after a while you can't seem to stop."

His eyes pleaded with me but I didn't say any more. I took another drag on the cigarette and turned away. Jason's eyes burned a hole through the side of my skull.

"Stop staring at me, Grace," I growled.

"Not until you put down that poisonous addiction."

"It's not just that easy, Grace."

"Won't you even try?"

"I did. Almost went mad from the temptation."

"Maybe I could help you?"

"How?" I deadpanned.

"By distracting you."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I don't know."

"What Grace? You gonna kiss me or something?" I smirked at him but the smirk faded at his blank look.

"Yes," He answered, braver than I thought he might.

"Then what are you waiting for?" I tapped out the cigarette and discarded it on the ground.

He shrugged. "What are you waiting for?" Was his lame retort. He was losing his front.

I didn't respond. I only stared at him in the eyes. I was glad to see he wasn't avoiding my own dark ones for once.

"I can't just kiss you!" He burst out, throwing his arms up. I laughed at his sexual frustration.

"Then let's go back inside. I'm sorry for making you mad. You can always come visit me in Seattle." I offered. "I've got an extra room." But you can always stay in mine.

I opened the door for the shorter man and he walked inside. I followed him up the stairs and into the elevator to take us the rest of the two stories up.

We reached his apartment and walked inside. The window was open indicating that he had looked for me outside. Maybe the passing thought going through his head at the time was, did he jump? but one look down at the ground would have told him otherwise.

"When are you going to tell me why you were gone for five years?"

"Eventually," was my short reply.

"What have you been doing for the past five years?" I asked him.

"Fighting monsters, enrolling in NYU, breaking up with Piper, you know, all the usual."

"You and Piper eh? Thought you were soul mates or something?" I raised an eyebrow and Jason looked away. Whether it was in disgust of me or shame of himself, I didn't know.

"No, no. Piper and I had our falling out." He didn't go into details, and I didn't press him for any. What was his business should stay his business, and he was being respectful not to ask about where I was (mostly, at least).

"I'm sorry about that. You two were good together." Something I was sure he had heard over and over again until it seemed unbearable, but, if it sounded the same as the others, at least it was sincere.

"Yeah, but we weren't perfect. She was too perfect, and I couldn't keep up." I let a frown tug at the corners of my mouth.

"I don't believe that for a second," I said as my response to his statement. He smiled as if remembering a pleasant memory once shared with someone he was close with and I looked away at the wall to give him some privacy.

"Tell me about your life back in Seattle," Jason said suddenly. I smiled, turning back to him.

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything." I licked my lips and began to tell him my story.

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