Chapter 14

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"Shut up!" I exclaimed as Jason pushed the wheelchair I had been forced into down to the front of the hospital. "Stop laughing at my pain!" This only made him laugh harder.

"It's just...I've never seen you look so sad and pathetic!" I turned around and whacked Jason's arm. He pouted at me.

"Ouch Nico, that hurt."

"No it didn't you lump."

"Me? Lump? I'm not the one being pushed in a wheelchair!"

"I wanted to walk! Those damn nurses would hurt me and make me stay longer though."

Jason laughed and I let a smile work its way onto my lips.

We finally reached the entrance of the hospital and I groaned with relief.

"You seem happy," my boyfriend pointed out.

"Of course!" I stood up. "Because now I can do this."

I grabbed his hand and pulled his body towards mine, bending my head down for a kiss.

Jason's lips worked against mine and I smiled as he nipped at my bottom lip, his hands tight around my collar.

I pulled away to see him frown.

"We can't do that here!"

"I've missed you," He panted.

I pressed my lips against his one more time. "I've missed you too...babe," I added with a wink.

I smirked as Jason's knees wobbled a little bit.

"How's Gracie-Ann?"

"She's doing well. Sylvia went over earlier to feed her and drop off your homework."

"Good, good. She reminds me of Mrs. O'Leary, you know that?"

"Let's just go home, okay?"

"Why? Miss me?"

"I think we've already established that."

I raised my eyebrow and a red hot tinge spread up the blonde's neck.

We got into the car and Jason pulled a small tin of ambrosia out of the glove compartment. I swallowed some immediately.

"Oh gods, I will never go to a hospital again!"

"Why didn't you just eat ambrosia?"

I turned to him, nearly losing myself in his perfect blue eyes. "And risk being questioned about why I was healing at a supernatural pace? No thank you."

"Oh, right."

He turned the corner as we drove out of town and back to the small yellow house.

I could hear Gracie barking and I jumped out of the car. The black labrador licked my face excitedly.

"Aww, I missed you too Gracie!" Jason walked past me into the house and sat down into a kitchen chair.

I stood up and he pulled me onto his lap, pressing his lips to mine. Jason broke away from my lips and moved down my pulse.

I pulled away and Jason frowned again.

"I smell like hospital," I whined. "Let me go take a shower and we can continue this later."

I stood up off his lap and stepped backwards, our hands dropping to our sides.

I stepped into the running warm water and sighed as it ran down my back and chest.

I reached over blindly for the shampoo only to find it wasn't there.


A laugh echoed through the bathroom and I jumped.

"Jason! I didn't even see you come in!"

"Yeah, I know." He turned the bottle over. "You use girl shampoo? Is that why you always smell so nice?"

I blushed. "I didn't realize there was a gender specified shampoo type."

Jason's golden laugh lit up his face and he handed me the bottle back.

"Can't I take a shower in peace?" I moaned. 

"Why? Sick of me already?"

"No, I just want my body to heal completely before you ruin it completely again." I smirked with pleasure as he made a gasping choking noise.

I ran my fingers through my hair, the scent of vanilla filling my nose. 

My hand moved towards the shower dials and I turned off the water. Jason handed me my fluffy white towel.

I dried myself off and walked over to Jason. I pulled him in for a kiss, my hands pulling at the base of his hair.

"You're...naked," Jason pointed out brokenly as I sucked on a spot under his ear.

"And you're not naked enough." My fingers played with the hem of his shirt before I yanked it swiftly over his head.

My phone started buzzing and I turned my head.

"Ignore it," Jason whispered in my ear. I turned back to him, smirking into his neck.

"What phone?"

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