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Leo = Lust

"So beautiful." He mumbled softly under his breath. His eyes were glazed over and insanity laced his words. He was transfixed on a certain H/C girl who was trying desperately not to fall asleep. Unfortunately, it wasn't working. Y/n had her face in her palms and her eyes were closed. Drool was dripping down her chin and any normal person would cringe and be disgusted, but not Leo. He loved every single thing about you. From the very noticeable bags under your eyes, to your slightly chapped lips. He loved it all. 

I guess you could say that you two were friends. You two would exchange average 'hello's' and 'heys'. You would have normal conversations and feel quite adequate whenever you two were partners in class, but thats all it was to you. He was simply a mere acquaintance. Actually everyone was your acquaintance since all you ever did was sleep. But Leo's delusional mind warped your simple relationship into a fake illusion of true love. He thought that you were simply hiding your true emotions and that you truly did love him.

"Alright class, today we're going to be finishing up our projects so go to your assigned partners and finish working on it." Your teacher said. You however had no partner since you were out the day she assigned them. "Excuse me, Mrs. T/N? I don't have a partner for the project and I didn't get the outline for it." You said politely knowing your teacher was like a ticking bomb just waiting to go off. "Of course L/N. Leo doesn't have a partner either so why don't you go with him. He knows exactly what to do." You nodded and walked over to the secretly ecstatic boy who had heard the whole exchange. "Hey Leo." You said, remembering your etiquette. "Hey Y/n." He said quietly his eyes seemed to have watched your every move. 

You had actually always thought he was creepy but he seemed nice overall, despite the fact that his stare always unnerved you. "So we're going to be doing...." He explained the outline of the whole project but his mind was cloudy and his eyes were glazed on with pleasure. Just what were you doing to him? Every time you accidentally brushed up against him with your hand or you would ask him questions keeping your eyes on his, he'd blush and look at you. You'd already noticed him blushing at you and you thought he liked you. Your suspicions were confirmed when his blush only deepened every time he talked. 

"So, maybe we should finish the project at my house." He said suddenly having an evil aura surrounding him. "U-um, I don't think thats a good idea, maybe we should do it at my house." You said. Your parents always taught you to never go over a boys house because you never knew what might happen there. "Please. I have all my supplies there and it would make it worse if I had to bring all the supplies there." He pleaded, though it seemed as if he was pleading for a different reason. A darker reason. Like he would literally die if you didn't come over. However you gave in and accepted his request. "Great, so here's my address and number, you can come over tomorrow, at 7:30 okay?"  You nodded and got up. The bell rang, as if on cue and you both rushed out of the door. A habit the whole class had gained ever since they were in younger grades.

You walked down the hallway extremely happy that this was the last class of the day. You couldn't wait to go to sleep on your luxurious bed and thats all you were thinking about. You were completely oblivious to the ominous eyes that trailed your every move. You walked to the doors leading to the out doors and you walked outside plugging in your headphones to block out the sound of all the annoying humans littering the place. You didn't hate people, you just thought they were a waste of time and space seeing as they always abuse and destroy everything. You just don't want to associate with people, I guess you could call yourself antisocial.

Leo watched as your blank eyes glazed over in thought and your head bobbed along with the music in your headphones. He saw you from behind and started blushing as he started to think about all the things he could do to you. He groaned in pleasure and looked down realizing he had gotten a little too excited. He kept watching you as you seemed to have trouble carrying the bag that was thrown heavily onto your right shoulder. He desperately wanted to help you, but he knew you'd only be creeped out by him following you so he kept quiet and stayed to the sides of the street, trying to stay in the dark. 

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