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Eric - Envy

You were his best friends girlfriend. You two could never be together, no matter how badly he wished it. You were just so beautiful. Your laugh could lighten up a whole room, and your smile could make anyone's day. You were funny, sweet, compassionate, and everything he'd ever need in a relationship. It was ectasy to hang with you. Since he was your boyfriends best friend, he was almost always with you. Whenever your boyfriend had practice after school, or something else to do, he was always there to pick you up from school and hang with him. You trusted him and the two of you were almost like best friends. However almost everytime he made even a slight pass at you, you friend zoned him. Here the two of you were sitting on his couch watching TV and laughing. Here is just an example of both of your average day. 

"You're really pretty. I'm kinda jealous of Gabe!" He laughed it off, though he meant every word. "Haha, you're so funny bro. See this is why you're my best friend. You're always here to hype me up!" You laughed and punched his shoulder before sitting back, continuing the show. See what I mean? Friend zoning at it's finest. Every single time he saw the two of you together, it was like someone was stabbing his chest. He didn't just wanna do you, or just date. He wanted to love you, and for you too love him back. He wanted to get to married, but none of that would happen if you were with Gabe. He felt himself growing more and more envious of him by the day. It soon became a parasite and started to eat him from the inside out. He could contain himself, and pretend to be happy for the couple, but he knew he had to do something, anything to get rid of his best friend. 

Now most would think he'd feel bad about sabotaging his friend, actually 'best' friends relationship, but all Gabe has done, is steal his spotlight, and even the girls he likes. He liked Y/n first but right when he was about to ask her, Gabe had already won her over. He had thought he had forgiven him, but thinking about it again, only made him all the more angry. He didn't care what would happen, he would get his revenge, and his woman. He looked over to you and saw your eyes sparkling. You were excited, anticipating would would happen next. "That guy dies." He muttered, smirking. You gasped and a playful, but slightly angry look was on your face. "You're a real asshole, you know that?" You jumped on him and started to punch him, giggling as you did. "No get offff!" He groaned, trying to pretend you were actually hurting him. However he didn't actually want you to get off. He wanted to hug you and hold you on his lap. But he couldn't do that. Because you two were just friends. Just friends. He couldn't get that out of his head. All he wanted to do right then was slam you up against the wall and-

"Gabe!" You screamed in his face. "Huh! What, what?" He blinked out his trance. Ignoring the urge to fufill his daydream. "I was punching you and you suddenly stopped groaning. You were looking out into the distance and um, drool was coming out of your mouth. Are you good?" He pushed her gently off of him and sat up on the couch. "Y-yeah, I was just thinking about what I was going to eat, and now I reallly want a hoagie." He thought off the top of his head. He didn't want to tell you about the crude thoughts he was having of you. Now that he had said, he was actually starting to get hungry. "I'm gonna go to the kitchen and get something to eat. Want anything?" He asked you, turning around. He saw you sitting on the couch with your chin on the top of the couch and you arms under your chin. You looked so innocent. So beautiful. So...alluring. "May I have an apple please." You asked, tilting your head. "Ok." He chuckled and headed into the kitchen. 

He was so busy thinking about Y/n and fixing his sandwhich, that he didn't hear the doorbell ring. Nor the door opening and an exchange of greetings. He walked into the family room again and instead of seeing just Y/n, he also saw his 'best' friend, Gabe. "Hey man, whats up?" Gabe asked walking up to Eric. He surpressed in urge to strangle the man right then and there and instead hugged him back. He put a fake smile on his face as they began to discourse. "How was soccer practice?" He asked handing Y/n her apple. "Eh, it was alright. But all I could think about was my beautiful princess just sitting here all alone." Gabe looked over to Y/n and stared dreamily into her eyes. She blushed and looked away, but was brought back with her chin, when he kissed her lips. Eric just smiled. His envy was overwhelming and he could barely contain himself. It was if they were playing with him. Seeing how long he'd last. No one should've been kissing those lips except him. He walked out of the room and started to eat his sandwhich, ignoring the frantic clothes ripping and the moans of the two of them. "We're using your room!" Gabe shouted. "Ok." He seethed out with his veins basically popping out of his head. 

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