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Prince = Pride

You had been his biggest fan ever since you had transferred there. You wouldn't say you were obsessed just...yeah you were obsessed. He was absolutely perfect. He was smart, and cool and lets not even get started on his looks! With his beautiful purple eyes, to his wavy black hair. Everything about him was so mesmerizing. He knew he was perfect though. He would walk down the school hallway with a certain confidence in his eyes and a certain pep in his step that made everyone kneel down at his feet. 

You were one of them. You were constantly thinking about him but you knew you were just an average student and he'd never pay attention to you. That didn't stop you though. You'd slip things into his locker and you'd hand him lunch everyday. No one else did that. They always just gave him compliments and things like that but you? Oh no you gave all of you. You threw yourself at him, but he barely ever bat you even a glance. You had never seen him look at you, even though you were always around him. 

"Hey um, Prince, do you want anything else?" You asked feebly. The blush on your face rising greatly. "No thanks, whoever you are. I'd like some time alone please." He said rather harshly. Not bothering to hear your response, he got up and left. Tears of anger  poured out of your eyes but you quickly wiped them away. You didn't even confess yet! You built your confidence back up and walked out of the room with a smile on your face, despite the fact your eyes were red from crying.

Prince was never one to really...pay attention. Of course in school and work he did, but to his fellow classmates, well, they were just a bunch of footstools he could rest his feet on. Everyone did as he asked, everyone loved him and if he asked them to blow up the school with them in it, he was surely positive they would. No one was bold enough to really take time to be with him. No one except the H/C girl from homeroom. He never bothered to know her name, mainly because he didn't like her. Correction. He couldn't stand her. She was so annoying and she constantly tried to earn his affection. It was quite irksome. He was the best and she was, well.....average. Best did not belong with average. He knew you were going to confess to him and he honestly was so over it. He planned on just rejecting you harshly, that way you wouldn't keep coming back to him. 

"Prince I made you this bento! I...hope you like it." You said. It seemed as though the blush on your face was like a disease whenever you came around him. "Thanks." He replied, not batting you a single glance. He was hoping you'd just give him whatever it was you gave him and then you'd leave but you walked over to the chair next to his in the music room and sat down on one of the chairs. "I know you like to play the piano. I love the piano. You know I can play too?" You said, trying to impress him. "Mmm." He said. Eye's never leaving the sheet of work on his lap. "What're you working on?" You asked shyly. He looked up at you and glared. You ignored his glare and sat on the bench next to him. Looking over his shoulder you saw he was working on business work. "Oh yeah, I forgot your the next heir to your father's designer line! It's so cool! Seems like a lot of work though." You said, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Listen you, I don't know who you are, why your here, and what your doing, and frankly, I don't care. But what I do care about is being left alone while I do my work, thank you." He said again glaring at you. You didn't bother trying to hide the tears then. They came out like the water works. "I-I'm sorry. I'll l-leave." You stuttered, trying to form some kind of sentence. "Good." He said before looking back down at his work. You walked out of the room but not before giving one last glance at his beautifully, perfect face. 

The next day you had decided not to approach him at all. You knew you would have to use behind the scene 'acts of kindness' in order to win his heart. You snuck heart chocolates in his locker everyday despite the fact they'd be in the trash that very hour he found them. You'd write cringy love letters to him talking about how cute you two would be together and you never actually realized how insane you really were for him. Your mind was constantly thinking about what chocolate he'd like, or what sweater he'd wear if you knitted him one. The things that went in your mind never really got to you and you soon found yourself obsessed. One day, he just couldn't take it anymore. 

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