Seven Deadly Sins Harem Oneshot

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(This is gonna be short)

You knew you'd never escape them. But somehow, you couldn't just give up. If there was even a slight chance that you could escape those psychopaths, you'd take that chance. No matter where you ran, or where you hid, they'd always find you. They tainted you, broke you down into this little doll that would only do their bidding.

They had already kidnapped you once, and living with them was absolute hell. Every corner you turned there was a boy and every time, they wanted to do the unspeakable. You had tried escaping multiple times, but you always failed, except this time. The other times they'd drug you and tie you up, giving yourself easier access of being pleasured. You escaped this time with a different plan. Giving them hope that you could actually love and trust them again. All of the boys, use to hold sentimental value in your heart. 

All of them, at one point made your heart flutter. Or they made you feel safe and loved. But now you felt like an object. A possession that they all willed to have. The only way to explain it was that you were their doll. And that was absolutely horrifying. You knew you had to escape and so here you were running as fast as your legs could carry you. Ignoring the yells and calls of all seven boys, you trudged into an abandoned park. How intelligent of you. It was later at night and the only source of light you had was the dull moon above and the park lights which kept flickering on and off.

You whimpered under your breath as you heard 7 pairs of feet trudging through the dead, fallen leaves. "Y/n, please come out. We won't hurt you." A voice that could unmistakably only be Gabriel. You decided the only way to hide without them finding you was to climb the tree beside you. Finally all the boys had reached the park and you knew you had to act quick. Quietly but quickly you climbed up the tree to avoid them seeing you. "He's right babygirl. We'd never hurt you. We just want to cherish you." Greggory said sweetly and if you hadn't known what he was capable of, you would've gotten down right then and hugged him.

"To pleasure you." Leo giggled and you could tell from the tone of his voice he was blushing and thinking about the things he had done to you. Tears were threatening to leak out of your eyes like waterfalls. "To break you." Only one person could be that sadistic and you knew it was William. "Please." You whispered. Luckily no one could hear you but you were choking on your own tears. "To love you." Prince was the last to speak and you could only assume that Simon didn't really care for talking. He just wanted you. All of them wanted you and you couldn't explain the fear in your eyes and heart. "We know you're in here. We saw you run. Where could you be? Possibly hiding behind the tree's?" Simon finally decided to speak and you wish he hadn't.

Everyone began to spread out and look for you which only made you more nervous. You couldn't keep your eyes out for all of them and that thought made you shiver. "I can smell you love, and you smell so sweet." You cringed at Gabriel's sickly sweet tone. Leo started walking a little closer to the tree you were hiding in and you sucked in your breath. Leo started chuckling and you knew this was it. He slowly looked up into the tree and that god-forsaken smirk was plastered on his face. You began pleading with your eyes for him not to reveal your location but either it went unoticed, or ignored. "Guys, I found our princess." You started to cry a little louder and got up from your crouching position. "Guy's please." You pleaded once more but just a little louder so they could all hear. "You know we're not going to just let you go. How foolish could you possibly be?" Prince walked up and whispered into Eric's ear. Eric smiled softly, but you could tell there was a darker meaning to the smile.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay." He began to crawl up the tree like a fucking spider. Have you ever seen that scene in 'Caroline' where the mother turns into a spider and starts crawling in that really creepy way? Well that's what the fuck Eric was doing. You screamed and started climbing higher and higher on the tree. You looked over and saw Prince whispering yet again into Simon's ear. You saw Simon shake his head and Prince rolled his eyes. He looked over to William and whispered what must've been the same thing into his ear. He smiled and looked up at you before winking. He mouthed 'you're mine.' And you decided to try to get away as quickly as you could.

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