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Greggory = Gluttony

(Gluttony doesn't always mean the consumption of food and drinks. It could also be the consumption of wealthy items, such as jewels and gold. Lots of clutter.)

Greggory was the most beautiful man in what seemed to be the world. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could be more attractive than him. His eyes were a beautiful gold and his skin was tan. His eyebrows were literally the perfect arch and he had a lean body type. He could basically make any girl, and some guys swoon at his feet. Everyone loved him and would do absolutely anything for him, except you. You actually hated his guts. You and him were childhood friends.

 Well you had the title but nothing else. Both of your families, were extremely rich and so in order to make alliances, your two families had to befreind each other. Greg was sort of a lonely child. He had lots of people who wanted to hang with him, but only because he was a child model and really rich. He didn't actually care for all the attention. And then you came along when the alliance formed and you were forced to be his friend. No one had ever been so mean to him like you had. You hated him even back then. You even had your reasons. He never shared anything. He was such a hoarder. His parents didn't mind, as long as it wasn't trash. He had cars, and trucks, dolls, and legos, anything a kid would want. 

But whenever you had to come over, he wouldn't share with you. He'd yell at you whenever you tried to touch anything that was his. And the worst part, is that whenever he'd come over your house, something would always be missing. It was either your hair brush, or your toys, or even a pillow, it was always missing and even in highschool, you still haven't gotten anything back. He was selfish and that's why you couldn't stand him. And the two of you still were forced to hang out even in the present. What you didn't know though, was that Greg was absolutely infatuated with you.

Ever since you two were little, he was trying to keep you. He didn't exactly know why, but the first time he took something of yours, it was an absolute pleasure to keep them. He loved you to death and everything you had he wanted. Even though the objects he stole from you were tantalizing, they no longer made him feel euphoria. He realized he needed you. But you hated him, and he could never get through to you. Mainly because he was a snob who didn't know how to interact with people who didn't like him. Now in the future he went from hoarding toys to hoarding jewels, diamonds, and gold. He even offered you some. Him offering people his stuff? He doesn't ever do that but he wanted you to know you meant so much to him. You would just ignore him and curse him out. 

Today was a normal day just like any other. You and Greg got in the limo that took you two to school everyday and you ignored anything he tried to say to you. "Y/n I know you probably hate me and I honestly don't know why. Maybe it's because I have more wealth than you but we can be friends you know." You chocked on air and just looked at him, waiting for him to laugh. Did he really just say that to you? You knew him well enough to know he wasn't joking. He was just ignorant. The two of you were almost like brother and sister. Both you and Gregs parents are never around and they usually force the two of you to live together, so you're always always around each other. It drove you insane. You could never be alone. The two of you were joined at the hip except your were stuck involuntarily. "Shut up and don't talk. You're giving me a headache." He obeyed and did so. He didn't know why but he liked, no loved your dominance. It was so hot, and he was a closeted masochist so whenever you hit him or hurt him he loved it. He couldn't let you know though, because then you'd hate him even more and that was a pain he could definitely not live with.

The two of you had eventually arrived and you were desperate to get out of the awkward atmosphere you had put yourself in. You took of your coat and hung it on the wrack beside the door, whereas Greg took of his coat and threw it on the floor. A maid immediately came to pick it up. You glared at the lazy blonde. "You know you have arms and legs, you could've just hung it up on the wrack like I did." You were extremely annoyed and you knew it was for the minimum reason. "I know but, then you wouldn't pay me any attention." He winked and got extremely close to your face but soon backed away. You rolled your eyes in disgust and headed up the stairs, ignoring the footsteps walking behind you.

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