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Gabriel = Greed

He couldn't get enough of it. Everything he liked he had to have. He was a freaking kleptomaniac. He couldn't help it though. It was an addiction of his. He never got caught because his parents would pay for damage he had caused. They didn't care, and that used to bother him but he stopped caring. His room was bigger than a church. It looked like it came out of a genies bottle. Red, pink and yellow pillows littered the room. Gold ornaments hung from the ceiling and it always smelled like Thanksgiving. Though his room was nice and he had everything he could ever want, there was one thing he really wanted. Something that he had to have, had to own. That something was you.

You went to his school. You were just adorable. Submissive, shy and quiet. Just his type. You were a thin little thing. You barely had any meat on your bones and you were extremely short. He always dreamed of owning you. A chain on your leg connected to his bed. You'd lay on his pillows and you'd wear a cute little gown. Of course the problem was that you were so shy that you had no friends and you never spoke to anyone, including him. He had tried speaking to you a few times but all he got was some stuttering and your blushing face. He knew that if he wanted to have you, he'd have to be a lot more...convincing. 

And here you were today. Your beautiful h/c shining under the school light. He couldn't see your eyes since you were looking to the ground but he could see your beautiful plump lips and that alone made him quiver with excitement. "Hey Y/n!" He walked up to you abruptly. Swinging his arm around your shoulder. You squealed in surprise and immediately backed away. You looked up at him and tears welled up in your eyes. "I'm sorry for screaming like that." You said quietly, hoping that he wouldn't hurt you. "No, no it's fine." He had to conceal a moan from how submissive you were. This was almost to easy for him. He almost wanted to back down out of guilt. But imagining you never leaving was stronger. "Well I notice that you always sit alone and that you're not really all that social. So you see I don't know if you just don't like people or if you're just shy but I would love it if you'd hang out with me." He asked politely. He gave her a closed eye smile which caused Y/n to blush.

Here was a beautiful boy in front of her. He had ebony hair with bright blueish-greenish eyes. It seemed as if they sparkled whenever he spoke. And on top of that he wanted to talk to her? Why on earth would he want to do that? She didn't matter. At least thats what her boyfriend told her. He usually wanted her dead and would try by beating her within in inch of her life. Almost everyday. That's why she always wears pants and usually a long sleeve shirt. No one knew that though. Because no one talked to her. No one except this man in front of her. "Who are you?" She asked feebly. "I'm Gabriel but all my friends call me Gabe!" He said excitedly implying that they were friends. "Oh, um well ok I'm Y/n." She said but then remembered how he called her name and realized how stupid she was. Tears threatened to leak out of her eyes and Gabe thought that he had done something wrong.

"Oh goodness I'm so sorry if I scared you or anything like that, ugh I can never do anything right." He said face palming. His anger at himself though was much greater. "No it seriously isn't your fault." He brightened up. "Ok well great! Would you like to come with me too lunch?" He asked desperately hoping she'd say yes. "Um I would really love to, but I actually have errands I go on during lunch." Of course he forgot. He remembered looking at her walk out of class early and asking for a pass out of class. "Oh, well maybe next time?" Y/n finally looked up at him with her beautiful h/c eyes, "I don't want to get your hopes up so probably not, but I'll try." She was then to give the closed eye smile and if she had opened her eyes, she would've seen the blush fresh on his face. "Talk to you later." She said waving before walking in the opposite direction.He decided to follow her. Wherever it was that she was going, it seemed like an ongoing thing. He'd have to figure out what was going on. 

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