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Simon = Sloth

Despite that the light in your eyes was gone and your eyes were dull, tears of regret and sadness ran down your face. A pair of arms that were wrapped around you, tightened considerably a lot more than they had been before. You would have been coughing if your own body cared enough. The anxiety had finally gotten to you. He had finally broken you. Just like he wanted. He kissed your neck and started to play with your hair. "I'm..so glad....you get to stay...." He said. He changed. And unfortunately so did you. 

Just how did this happen. Why are your arms cuffed behind your back and a piece of duct tape around your mouth. Why are you in bed with a man who took everything away from you. And most importantly, why are you wrapped in his embrace with barely any clothes on, dignity stripped away and heart breaking all the more. All these questions soon to be answered.


"Oh my goodness! Simon we don't have all day! I do not want to be late on my first day of school!" You yelled to the blonde boy upstairs. He had gotten dressed but he was just laying in his bed sleeping. Like he always does. "Mmm, no." He mumbled just loud enough for you to hear. You groaned. "Bro, your literally a sloth! Come on, I know you'll regret it when your parents get mad at you for your failing grades." You yelled before slowly trudging back up the stairs. 

You and Simon had been best friends for years. He used to be bullied because he was always so ecstatic and hyper. Always wanting to be in someone else's business. You stood up for him and they never bothered him again. But that didn't take the trauma away. He became more reserved and lazy as he got older. He didn't care for anyone's problems. Every once in a while he would go back to his hyper active self which you didn't really care for but that was only sometimes, when he really wanted or liked something. You didn't know if it was just because he was getting older or the trauma changed him. Your parents died in a car crash and luckily Simon's parents took you in. You two weren't brother and sister though, just a friend who lived with him. His parents were away on a business trip as they always were so you were used to just the two of you living together.

You walked into Simon's bed and shook him harshly. He groaned and tried to smack your hand away. Though he didn't seem to be doing a great job since he just looked like he was swatting a fly. You straddled his back and blew in his ear. Smiling you could see a blush  forming on his face. You knew it was working and kept blowing it. "Simon." You whispered. "Mmm." He mumbled into his pillow digging his face into the pillow so you couldn't see he him. You put a finger in your mouth and gave him a wet willy before screaming into his ear. "WAKE UP!" He sprang up and threw you off of him. 

He cringed when he felt the moistness in his ear. He looked over at you and as badly as he wanted to get angry at you he couldn't. You were just too cute. Truth was he really liked you. Ever since you had saved him from those bullies he couldn't help but fall in love with you. It used to be a simple childhood crush but as the two of you grew older it grew to be love. He wanted to tell you but he became more reserved and now he was too nervous to ask you. Not bold enough. But whenever he closed his eyes, he dreamt of the two of you. He dreamt of him confessing to you and you wrapping your arms around his neck. You'd say you loved him too and you would love him and he'd love you. It'd be like a perfect love story. 

He knew it'd never happen though. You only saw him as a best friend and he knew not to think of it too much but it never worked. His love for you only grew and he could've sworn you knew about his hopeless crush and you were just making fun of him and pushing him over the edge. He didn't know it, but his love for you grew more and more everyday until it soon became an obsession. All he needed as a snap and he was gone. He was hanging onto an imaginary thread and he didn't even know it. 

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