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William = Wrath (Mentions of abuse in this chapter. If you are sensitive to abuse, then please skip this chapter)




That's all they knew him as. William was a name that would make everyone's knees tremble. It was only because of the man who would cause everyone's nightmares. He was a senior in highschool, and had been held back 3 times. Not because he was dumb, but because he would always get into fights. He was a straight bully. If he wasn't so mean, then he'd probably have lots of admirers. He had a jawline chiseled by the Godess Aphrodite herself. He had bright, ocean blue eyes, and tan skin. He had this everlasting smirk on his face that would make any girl swoon, if he wasn't always beating the living hell out of someone whenever the sexy smirk was on his face. 

He was an athletic boy and his sport was running. Mainly because he never had to be around people when he did. No one ever approached him, and he liked it that way. But somehow, deep down, he felt just a little lonely. He desperately craved for someone to care about, but he was so distracted by his pride, that he couldn't ever bring himself to get just a little embarressed. But one day, a girl that he knew to be in his grade, approached him. He was surprised but he didn't let it show. He only did the one thing he always did.

"What the fuck are you doing." He said threateningly. He had expected her to flinch, cry, and run off like they always did. But she didn't. She just looked up at him with a bored look on her face. "I need help with my homework and you have the highest scores. Help me." William internally facepalmed at how bold the girl was but his stone faced facade stayed on his face as he replied. "Why the hell would I help you?" He said it with a lot of annoyance, but he was honestly intrigued to know why she was even talking to him.  "So you're not going to help then?" She tilted her head. She sounded dissapointed but from the look on her face, it seemed that she didn't care. 

"Well then if you're not going to help, I guess I have to go ask someone else." She said boringly before walking away swaying side to side. "W-wait!" William ran up to her blushing like an idiot. She was silent, waiting for his response. "I-I'll help you." He said clenching his fists and looking down. "Great! Here's my number." She wrote it down on a piece of paper and handed it to him. "Text me where you want to meet." This was the last thing she said before walking away once more. This time William made no move to stop her. He just stared at her and then the paper, the blush on his face only intensified as he walked away shaking his head. 

When William got home, he contemplated calling her that exact moment. He didn't want to come off to head strong. He had already grown an attachment to the girl even though they had only just met. He knew all too well that he was only attached because he had never really talked to anyone, unless he was threatening him. But this girl, you, had the guts to actually walk up to him and it seemed as if you didn't even care! 

He decided to text you, since it seemed a little less weird. 'Hey, it's William'. He waited a few minutes before even sending it. Was it too forward? Maybe you would completely forget who he was and- 

His hand accidentally twitched and his finger pressed the send button. His eyes grew wide and the anxiety ate him up like a meal. He knew however that he could do nothing to stop it, and so he waited. Almost immediately though, he recieved a text back from you. 'Hey Will! Got a time for me yet?' He subconciously smiled at the text and replied. 'Yeah, 6:00 at my place. I'll send the address if it's okay.' You said yes and that was that. He was excited, though he didn't really know what to expect. You were only coming over to study and there was no romance between the two of you. Y'all had just met and he was already trying to stir up nonexistent chemistry.

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