"You're Always Here."

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He walked in at exactly 3:30. His hair was damp from the rain that had started to fall as the school day ended. Before practice, he always picked up a medium drip coffee. The workers knew his order and had it ready as he stepped inside.

"Thanks," Blaine said taking his to-go cup off the counter.

Someone tapped his shoulder asking him to pass her some sugar as he added milk to his cup. Blaine usually didn't stick around the shop but today practice had been pushed back a half hour. He chose a table near a window that looked out to the parking lot. A favorite pastime of his was to people watch. From here, Blaine could see the customers come and go. There were children being let off the school bus and older students walking home from the high school up the street. Inside the coffee shop, there were several high schoolers sitting around the wooden tables. A few had their laptops out while others were talking with friends. The girl he had handed sugars to was sitting a few tables away with a friend. Blaine couldn't hear their conversation but he knew that intense hand gestures meant business. She didn't seem angry, just passionate.

"Hey Blaine," a voice said from behind him. "You're always here."

He turned. "Wes, hey."

"Wanna head back to Dalton together?"


Blaine stood up and grabbed his coffee, which he had barely sipped.

The pair he had been watching was also standing to leave. Blaine was hoping to see her companion. They linked arms and faced him. He was cute, Blaine thought. Before he could think anything else, Wes tapped him again and asked if he was ready.

The next day, Blaine was there on time and out the door immediately. He almost spilled his coffee when he bumped into someone coming in.

"So sorry, totally my bad," Blaine said.

"It's okay," the boy said.

Blaine could've sworn he mumbled that he was used to it. Used to what? Being bumped into? He moves to say something but the boy was already waiting in line. Blaine took a second look but couldn't see his face. Not wanting to be late to Warbler practice, he left.


As Kurt made his way to the counter to wait for his drink, he noticed a phone had fallen. He picked up the device and attempted to hand it over to a manager but the Lima Bean was too crowded. No one would take it.

The phone was locked so he waited until someone messaged. A person named Wes did.

Wes: get ur ass to Dalton

Kurt: Hey, this phone was left at the Lima Bean, could you tell its owner to come pick it up?

Wes: As soon as I see Blaine, I'll tell him. Thanks.

Kurt decided to sit and enjoy his coffee while he waited for Blaine to show up. His coffee was long gone by the time a fluster curly hair boy walked in. Unsure where his courage came from, Kurt spoke up.


The boy looks over at him. "Yeah, that's me."

"Kurt Hummel. I think I have your phone." Kurt holds up the device.

"I think you do." Blaine takes the seat across from Kurt. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."

"I didn't do much but you're welcome."

"I would've been here sooner but I went all the way to Dalton and back here. It's a long bus ride."

"Dalton Academy, the all-boys private school?"

Kurt noted Blaine's uniform. He only knew the school because Mr. Schue had mentioned the teams they could be competing against come sectionals.

"Yeah, that's it."

"You have a glee club, don't you?" Kurt asks.

"The Warblers, yeah. I'm a part of it."

"I go to McKinley, I'm also in glee."

"That's awesome, I didn't know McKinley had a glee club. Do you love it?" Blaine asks. "Personally, I've always been a performer, glee is my life."

"It's starting up again this year and I do love it. Singing is one thing I enjoy no matter what."

"Me too," Blaine agrees. "Thanks again for finding my phone. I'd love to stay and chat more but I have Warbler practice. Gets intense as competition approaches, I'm sure you know."

"Again, it was no problem. I enjoyed talking with you."

Blaine nods and stands to leave. "I don't want to make this weird but could I get your number. Maybe we could grab coffee sometime?"

As quick as he came in, Blaine was gone. Kurt waited inside the Lima Bean a little longer, he had texted Mercedes to come join him. Both of them needed to rant, specifically about one Rachel Berry and her solo stealing ways.


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