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He wastes no time pulling Kurt's face to his. This kiss was soft and chaste—their first. Blaine moves away but Kurt immediately pulls the boy in for a second kiss. This time when the boys part, they just stare at one another.

"This isn't exactly where I pictured my first real kiss being but I couldn't haven't planned it better. It was perfect," Kurt says.

"What do you mean first real kiss?"

"I've kissed girls before but only to try to be straight. I thought it would please my dad but it completely backfired and he still teases me about it to this day. You're my first boy kiss."

"Not to sound presumptuous but I hope to be your only boy kiss," Blaine says, leaning in for another kiss.

"Not that chaste kissing isn't doing it for me but I thought we were supposed to be making out?"

"Kurt, we've only just had our first date. Don't rush this."

"I don't care how many dates we've had. What matters is that we feel deeply for one another, I really really like you, Blaine," Kurt replies.

"I really really like you too."

"Then, that solves it."

This time when Kurt brings their lips together, they don't separate for quite some time. Blaine moves his hands into Kurt's hair as Kurt's careful fingers trail down Blaine's spine. With each new touch, the kissing deepens.

"This okay?" Kurt asks untucking Blaine's shirt.

"Uh huh."

Kurt's hands find their way under his shirt and begin feeling the other boys slightly toned stomach.

"Boxing," Blaine explains before he begins kissing his way down Kurt's neck.

"Off." Is Kurt's only reply.

They both pull back so Blaine can remove his shirt. Kurt moves closer to capture Blaine's lip again but Blaine insists on removing Kurt's jacket and shirt as well. It's only fair that he gets to look at Kurt's body too.

Their hands start to explore the new skin revealed but their lips stay connected. As Kurt's fingers trace the muscles of Blaine's stomach and Blaine's palms run along the other boy's pale backside. Their fingers make their way down to their partner's pant line, tracing designs in the skin above the waistline. Desire washes over both boys but they know this is not the time. Too soon.

Kurt opens his eyes and breaks away. "Blaine, I'm not ready for anything other than making out yet."

Blaine stares into Kurt's eyes. "That's okay, we can take this as slow as we want. I want you to be comfortable so I can be comfortable."

Not bothering to reply with words, Kurt's leans forward and begins kissing a ling across Blaine's jawline, which causes the boy to groan.

"Shit, Kurt. I can't believe you haven't done this before."

He stops kissing Blaine's neck long enough to ask. "Have you?"

"Never," Blaine murmurs. "I only want to do this with you."

With that, Kurt's lips find Blaine's again. Fifteen minutes later, a cell phone interrupts them.


"That's mine," Blaine admits, reaching to the front seat for his phone. "It's Wes."

Blaine answers the call while Kurt checks his own. Deciding, it's a good idea to text his dad a status update, Kurt types out a simple text to satisfy Burt's overprotectiveness.

K: Hey dad, Blaine and I decided to grab dinner at Breadstix and are planning to go out for ice cream after. It's pretty packed, don't know when we'll be back.

A response comes almost immediately.

Burt: Enjoy dinner and dessert. Carole and I just finished up, going back to her place. Finn is with Puck tonight. Don't wait up

"Gross, dad," Kurt says, earning a curious look from Blaine.

Blaine isn't able to ask about Kurt's phone conversation not with Wes talking his ear off about Warbler business. Doesn't he know Blaine has other things he could be doing right now? And it's 9 o'clock on a Friday, shouldn't Wes had something else to occupy his thoughts. Maybe Blaine needs to play matchmaker. Wes has had his eye on a girl from Dalton's sister school for quite some time. Blaine decides to track her down someday soon so he can enjoy making out in the backseat with Kurt.

"Look Wes, I understand that the Warblers are important and seemingly your only priority but I have bigger things occupying my mind at the moment." Blaine's hand squeezes Kurt's right thigh.

Kurt can't hear the other boy's response but he doesn't sound that happy with Blaine at the moment. His boyfriend's shoulders are becoming tense so Kurt digs his palms into them releasing the tension. Blaine turns granting him better access and Kurt lays several open mouth kisses on the back of his neck and down Blaine's spine.

"Wes, please. I really can't deal with this right now. Talk later?"

Feeling brave, Kurt licks a strip of skin under Blaine's shoulder blade. It's worth the sound Blaine makes and this time Kurt does hear Wes's reply.

"Dude, are you with Kurt?"


"A Kurt Hummel hookup, congrats. Just what you wanted."

Blaine is going to kill Wesley when he gets the chance because he knows Kurt heard Wes divulge a private want of Blaine's.

"I'm hanging up now."

Blaine ends the call and spins to face Kurt. Of course, Kurt isn't about to let Wes's comment slide without teasing.

"A Kurt Hummel hookup, huh?"

"Shut up," Blaine says, blushing again.

"Tell me more."

Blaine tries to silence the conversation by kissing his boyfriend but Kurt holds him back.

"Tell me, it's kinda hot knowing you wanted me enough to admit it to your Warbler buddies."

"Hot?" Blaine questions.

"Uh huh," Kurt says, kissing the boy's neck again hoping to leave a mark preferably in a place that everyone will be able to see.

"It was the day you came to visit. Wes and David knew you came to my room," Blaine explains. "And the next day, they made a joke about not wanting to deny me a hookup only I didn't laugh because I wanted that with you. Making out in my dorm in the middle of the afternoon is what I said I wanted to do...with you."

"Is that still want you want from me?" Kurt asks.

"God, yes."

"I think that can be arranged."


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