"I'm falling in love with you."

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Kurt pushes Blaine's body flat against his bed. The door was locked and no one was coming to interrupt them. Burt was meeting Carole's son for the first time today and he was just as nervous as he had been when he asked Kurt's mother to marry him. All of the New Directions were informed by a proud Mercedes and a gushing Rachel that Kurt had a date with Blaine Warbler this afternoon. His fellow glee members were all heading to Breadstix followed by a get together at Rachel's to run through some potential song choices for regionals and were to avoid contacting Kurt at all costs. Yes, the New Directions had successfully won their very first sectionals. The Warblers had also won their sectionals, luckily the two rival glee clubs hadn't competed against one another this time. Regional competitors has yet to come out but Blaine and Kurt have agreed to keep regionals out of their budding romance.

Wes and David both knew Kurt was at Dalton and promised, no swore, to Kurt that they wouldn't make a peep while he was there. After all, they helped him get into the building without Blaine knowing. Blaine was still in class when Kurt showed up. Thank Gaga for public schools and their random half days. Wes somehow managed to unlock Blaine's dorm and Kurt had been waiting for his boyfriend of exactly one month to show up.

When Blaine did open the door, Kurt was attacked with kisses. They hadn't seen each other in ten days these kisses were long overdue. Kurt barely managed a "happy anniversary" before Blaine was locking the door and pulling off his shirt.

Now, they were laying on Blaine's bed in nothing but their boxers. They had moved passed having pants on while making out two weeks ago.

"I missed you," Blaine says.

"Not as much as I missed you."

"How are you here?"

"Half day, my dad is meeting his girlfriend's son, and some Warbler magic."

"I only understand two-thirds of that but I'll take it if it means I get to make out with my boyfriend in the middle of the afternoon in my bedroom."

"It's what you always wanted right?" Kurt jokes.

"Yes, this is what I've always wanted."

Blaine pulls his boyfriend back down and preppers his face with soft kisses. When Kurt pulls away again, Blaine sighs disappointed.

"I'm falling in love with you."

All of the air seems to be sucked out of the room.

"Me too. I'm falling in love with you, Kurt. If I'm not already there."

A magnificent smile breaks out onto Kurt's face and Blaine copies it as best he can before Kurt brings their lips back together again.


The Lima Bean was unusually crowded even before all of the New Directions and a bunch of Dalton Warblers took over the tables. Kurt and Blaine arrived at their normal 3:30 coffee date to find all of their friends already sitting.

"What's going on?" Blaine whispers to Kurt.

"I have no idea."

They order coffees and a cookie to split before engaging with their respective glee clubs.

"Rachel, what the hell is this?"

"Wes, I thought you promised to stay out of my personal life!"

"Finn, I don't really want to hear it!"

"David! Tell Wes to mind his business."

"Santana, I'll have you know I'm not scared of your Lima Heights Adjacent threats."

"Seriously, Nick! I expected better from you."

"Brittany, I need more information about this unicorn business."

"Even you Trent, et tu Brute?"

"Mercedes, talk some sense into this people!"

"Jeff, I thought you'd be able to stop this kind of behavior after the Great Affair of '03."

"Tina and Mike, please keep your hands to yourself. This is a serious matter," Kurt swears under his breath.

"Okay! Let us explain ourselves, please," Puck, of all people, speaks up. "We gathered the glee clubs together because one member of our groups is dating a member of the other."

"Because we want to respect your relationship, we wanted to make a pact," Thad continues.

"Right here," Quinn says.

"Right now," Logan adds.

He had finally agreed to join the Warblers after Kurt sent Rachel to talk some sense into the boy. Kurt had to admit the boy did have quite the gift and Logan may be the Warbler's secret to willing their sectionals.

"What kind of pack?" Blaine asks, finding his voice.

"One that requires all of us to swear no matter the competitors we face at regionals," Wes answers. "Whether or not the Warblers face off against New Directions."

"We won't let our cutthroat attitudes lead your relationship to destruction," Rachel finishes.

"Blaine and I already agreed to leave the competitiveness out of our relationship. Regionals is off the table for topics to discuss."

"You might've agreed but..." Finn trails off.

"We didn't," David picks up.

"So..." Blaine gestures to the two glee clubs.

"We swear to not let regionals be the death of Klaine."

"Klaine, really?" Kurt chuckles. "That's an awful couple name, sounds like a country in Europe that you'd rather skip over."

"I'm Klainish," Blaine says. "And I approve of the name."

"Then I guess I'm Klainish too."

Kurt leans into his boyfriend's side as Blaine plants a kiss on his cheek. The two watch their friends interact and laugh together over coffee. It's a beautiful sight to behold, Kurt wonders what will happen on Monday when Mr. Schue tells them who their competition for regionals will be. For now, he's happy to be a witness to today's togetherness between two groups of people who cared so deeply for Blaine and him that they set aside their differences and put their egos to rest in order to prevent any damage to a romantic relationship. Of all places for this to happen, Kurt would never think Lima, Ohio could be one of them. Maybe Lima wasn't as bad as he thought or at the least, the Lima Bean is a place where anything can happen.


The end

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