"Do I just blurt out 'I like you, do you like me?'"

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The three friends were sitting in Rachel's yellow bedroom. A movie long forgotten playing on the television and three bowls of snacks one in the lap of each person. One bowl containing popcorn, one with chips, and a smaller bowl with M&M's. Rachel's dads had left them alone for the evening opting to go see a movie in the theater rather than watch a musical they had seen thousands of times.

They had left the movie on mute only putting the sound on when a good song came up. The conversation was mostly about Kurt's slowly blooming love life. Rachel and Mercedes were eager to hear that at least one of their crushes had the potential to succeed.

"Well, I'm in love with him and he's actually gay. I call that progress," Kurt says.

"Aw, Kurtie is in love!" Rachel squeals.

"Ew, don't ever say Kurtie ever again," Mercedes gags. "But I am happy for you, Kurt."

"So, what are you going to do?" Rachel asks.

"I don't know. I'm not sure he even likes me like that," Kurt replies.

"You'll have to ask him." Mercedes smiles.

"And ask what exactly?" Kurt questions the girls.

He was no expert in the field of crushes but neither were his two closest girl friends. Rachel was endlessly pinning over one Finn Hudson, who was nowhere near breaking up with his pregnant girlfriend, Quinn, and Mercedes's last crush had been himself, who was very much gay and into someone else.

"Ask if he likes anyone or who his crush is," Rachel supplies. "He'll either say no one, give you a name, possibly yours, or say a celebrity crush. At the end of the day, you'll know where you stand or who your potential competition is."

"Rachel, I think you are actually onto something there," Kurt tells her. "The only problem is how do I casually slip that into conversation?"

"You have to have a leading topic or play 20 questions or something," Mercedes answers. "Maybe ask him about one of the Warblers or mention that a certain boy is cute or say you have a crush and ask for advice on how to proceed!"

"Definitely go with asking about a crush you have on someone," Rachel agrees. "Then you'll be able to see his reaction to you having a crush!"

"Imagine, a jealous Blaine..." Mercedes sighs.

"You've never even met him. How do you know a jealous Blaine would be hotter than normal Blaine?" he asks.

"Because jealousy is a good look on anyone."

"She's right. Jealousy, especially on guys, is very hot." Rachel nods. "Jealousy and angst are like crack for girls."

"I can't wait to see how this turns out! When are you seeing Blaine next?" Mercedes asks.

"No idea, I'll text him," Kurt replies, unplugging his phone from the charger.

"Oh! I love this song!" Rachel grabs the remote and turns up the volume.

Just like that, Kurt has a plan to possibly take his relationship with Blaine to the next level. Here's to hoping all goes well. Kurt isn't naïve enough to believe it will work out like he's planned but at the least, it could go better than he expects.

K: Are you feeling up for a coffee yet?

B: Hell yeah! Tomorrow 3:30? –B

K: I'll be there

The movie is muted again. "I'm seeing Blaine tomorrow," Kurt announces.

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