"Are you free Friday night?"

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It was the information about coffee really got Blaine upset. Wasn't that their thing? Kurt and Blaine went on cute coffee dates not Kurt and some other guy. Should he be offended that Kurt had been on several dates with this dude and didn't tell Blaine? He had no inkling that Kurt was seeing someone else or that he even liked anyone. Although he hadn't bothered to ask either.

Blaine left the Lima Bean directly after Kurt and caught the next bus to Dalton. Surprisingly, he found Wes and David waiting for him outside of his room. After unlocking the door, Blaine invited his friends inside.

"You've ditched Logan, I see," Blaine comments.

"He went to see his girlfriend," David replies.

At least, Blaine didn't have to worry about Kurt and Logan starting something.

"I see you ditched your jealousy act," Wes says.

"Wasn't an act." Blaine sighs. "Kurt's seeing someone."

"Shit dude. That sucks."

"Yeah, and he asked my advice about it. How do I pretend that I'm not dying inside?"

Both Wes and David look at their feet. "You just have to be friendly about it. You don't want to lose Kurt because of this," David says. "If he sees your anger at the situation, it'll only start a fight."

"You're right, Dave. I don't want to lose Kurt over my feelings. I guess, I just have to get over it."

"You don't have to get over it," Wes says. "You have to accept that Kurt may not feel the same way and you have to support his decisions. Over time you might be able to move forward or maybe Kurt's feelings will change."

Blaine cracks a smile. "Thanks guys, I'm really lucky to have such great friends."

"Yeah, you are. Let's get to rehearsal."

The three boys are the last to arrive at rehearsal but they aren't late. Warblers tend to be early for everything. Impeccable timing was one of their best qualities as a team. Halfway through rehearsal, Blaine's phone buzzes in his blazer pocket. As tempted as he is to look at the message, Blaine waits until rehearsal concludes before checking the device.

K: Have you ever been to Breadstix?

B: Can't say I have, why? –B

K: I told you our conversation from earlier wasn't over, that guy I told you about.

K: I'm brainstorming date ideas other than coffee, wanted to know your opinion of Breadstix but if you haven't been I can't really ask you if you think it's too casual.

B: Google says its Italian food, I don't think you can go wrong with pasta—B

K: Awesome! Thanks.

B: Anytime –B

"Was that Kurt?"

"Wes! I thought I asked you nicely to stop reading my texts over my shoulder," Blaine says.

"You did but I chose to not listen, so it was Kurt. What did he have to say?"

"Asking me for advice for his date."

"Ouch, sorry man."

K: Can we meet tomorrow....need more help

K: Face to face beats text any day

B: Of course, Lima Bean at 3:30?—B

K: I'll be there!

"You've got it so bad," Wes chuckles, continuing to read the texts exchanged between the boys.

"I know." Blaine leaves Wes standing at the bottom of the staircase with a worried expression on his face.


When the boys meet for coffee again, Blaine is the one flustered and almost late. David had caught him right before he left his room to catch the bus thus making Blaine miss said bus. So, he waited for the next one and it was fifteen minutes behind schedule so Blaine was almost twenty minutes late to their coffee date.

"I'm so sorry," Blaine apologizes as he takes the seat across from Kurt.

"No worries, your coffee shouldn't be cold I only just sat down myself."

Kurt was so thoughtful. Buying him coffee while he waited. These were really starting to feel like dates to Blaine and he had to shut down that feeling especially since Kurt was interested in someone else.

"So, how can I help?" Blaine asks.

He knew this coffee date wasn't one of their usual venting sessions or a catch-up. Today was unfortunately about Kurt's impending date with whoever was lucky enough to have caught his attention. Blaine could only hope to be as fortunate as Kurt's current crush someday. 

"Well, I planned to ask him soon but I'm thinking our date should be Saturday."

"It's Wednesday, when do you plan to ask him?"

"Tomorrow actually."

"Okay, so Saturday. What's your game plan?" Blaine asks.

"Dinner for sure but do I need to plan more than that? It's only a first date," Kurt replies.

"Dinner is a good start but what happens if you really hit it off and don't want the date to end. You need a backup plan in case everything goes better than planned."

"I knew I came to the right person for dating advice. The girls were honestly no help. What kind of backup should I have?"

"I don't know, what does this guy like to do?"

"What would you want to do if you didn't what the date to end?"

With you, Blaine thinks, probably sit in the backseat of your car and make out.

"A nice walk around town, maybe ice cream or dessert somewhere other than Breadstix, honestly you're going to want to do something that allows for more conversation and more connection."

Making out wouldn't help the conversation part of their relationship but Blaine was getting tired of staring at Kurt's lips without knowing what they would feel like pressed against his own.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind and brainstorm some more with the girls. Enough about me, what's going on with you?"


"Yes, honestly, lay it on me."

"I've just been so stressed with school and the Warblers are driving me crazy." Blaine fails to tell Kurt that he's really bothered by the fact that he has a date and it's not with Blaine.

"Are you free Friday night?"

"Um, I think so, why?"

"I was hoping we could hang out other than coffee. Maybe a movie at my house? I could come get you from Dalton. It'll do you some good to leave the building for a night and relax with a non-Warbler, non-Dalton friend"

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

"Perfect, I'm also going to require you to help me pick out an outfit for my date."

Great, Blaine thinks I cannot escape this date.


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