"Oh god, hide me."

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When Blaine was walking into Warbler practice, he sent Kurt a text. It was only fair that Kurt has his number too. Plus, Blaine didn't want to feel pressured to be the one to text him in order to meet up and get that coffee.

Blaine: Nice meeting you today. –B

Kurt: You too –K

Blaine: You can't just copy a guy's signoff like that –B

Kurt: Watch me –K

"What or should I ask who has got you all smiley?" Wes teases.

Practice had just ended and Blaine hadn't stopped smiling through all of it. Thoughts of his new friend didn't stop coming to his head. Wes must've picked up on his unusually happy mood.

"Shut up, I have homework to do." Blaine pushes pass his friend.

This was apparently the wrong thing to say because Wes grabbed his arm. "Seriously, Smiles. What's going on?"

Blaine stays silent and breaks free from Wes's hold.

"I'll get his name eventually, Blaine. One way or another!" Wes calls after him.

Blaine settles in at the library and cracks open his history textbook. He gets through one paragraph before his phone buzzes.

Wes: Don't underestimate me

Blaine: I would never

Blaine kept reading and Wes, thankfully, stopped texting. Now maybe Blaine could actually get some work done.


Kurt was going to be late to glee. It wasn't his fault that Blaine was such a good conversationalist. It wasn't Kurt's fault that the Lima Bean was crowded and it took an extra ten minutes to get a second drink. It definitely wasn't his fault that Blaine offered to buy him a cookie and Kurt felt the need to split it with him.

Blaine: Coffee was lovely. We should go again sometime –B

Kurt: It was and we should

Blaine: Ah, I see you've stopped using MY signoff –B

Kurt: Only because it's YOURS

Luckily, Kurt wasn't the last one to glee. Mr. Schue was waiting for Brittany and Santana to show up before beginning the week's lesson. Rachel stood up to interrupt Mr. Schue's monologue halfway through it and started to sing so Kurt flashbacked to his time with Blaine.

"You know, simple coffee is the best coffee."

Blaine grabbed his medium drip from the black countertop.

"I disagree," Kurt said, taking his order of a low-fat mocha.

The boys picked a table close to a window but far enough away from the people already sitting. Kurt believed the first sip of coffee was the best sip. It is to be savored. Blaine must have felt the same because they both took a long sip and sighed.

"I needed this," Blaine said.

"Me too."

About three tables down from them a couple was sitting, Kurt thought it was probably their first date. They looked happy but were acting awkward as if they didn't want to offend the other person.

"Aren't they cute?" Kurt asks Blaine, nudging his chin in the couple's direction.

"Well, I can't really see the girl but yeah that guy is cute."

"Not in that way, more like aren't they adorably awkward kind of way."

"Oh," Blaine said. "Then, my answer is still yes. They are adorable."

Kurt wants to point out to Blaine that he had said the boy was cute. Did he mean cute cute or was Kurt being too hopeful that Blaine was also gay? 

The question never comes up because the atmosphere shifts when Blaine starts to lower himself in his chair. "Oh god, hide me."

"What?" Kurt moves to turn around.

"No, don't look. They'll see you."

Too late, Kurt had already seen the group of Dalton boys walking in and they had spotted Blaine.

"I told you he is always here!" One of the boys exclaimed.

The group headed towards their table.

"Wes, please."

So, this was Wes. He had been the one that texted Blaine's phone when it had been in Kurt's possession.

"Literally, there hasn't been a time I've come to the Lima Bean and Blaine wasn't here."

"I honestly don't know why I'm friends with you. You're so embarrassing."

"I don't believe we've met properly," Kurt said. "I'm Kurt Hummel."

"I'm Wes," said the Asian boy. "And this is David and Jeff."

"Pleasure," Kurt smiles.

"I didn't realize we were interrupting," David states.

"Yes you did, you nosy—"

"We'll leave you to your...date..." Jeff smirks.

The three boys walk away before Blaine can speak up again.

"God, I'm so sorry Kurt," Blaine apologizes. "They don't mean what they said. It's all teasing."

"Well, I hope so. If this were a date I'd expect more romance than a coffee."

Blaine laughed. "And what's more romantic than a quaint coffee date?"

"Oh! Many things but for starters, a cookie would make this way more romantic than it is."

"A cookie?"

"Sweets are, well, sweet." Kurt shrugs.

"Fair enough, good thing this isn't a date."

Blaine took another sip of his coffee.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Something Wes said, he said date very casually earlier and I—"

"Want to know if I'm gay," Blaine finished.

Kurt nods, a little embarrassed by his forwardness. "I'm out and proud."

"Me too."

Blaine sips his coffee. "I don't see it as a huge deal for two gay guys to hang out on the worst date ever."

The conversation shifts right back into humor with that last comment. "If only you'd buy me a cookie or something..." Kurt trails off.


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