"Don't lie to me, Blaine,"

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When the two met for coffee four days later, Kurt knew Blaine was anxious. However, Blaine wasn't offering any hints as to why. Kurt goes on about his day as the boy across from him sips his medium dip with care and nods along.

"Alright, enough. If you aren't going to tell me what's wrong willing, I will pull it out of you."

"Nothing is wrong."

"Don't lie to me, Blaine," Kurt says.

"Okay, fine. I'm worried about you and Wes said there was no harm in asking. Yet I'm still not sure it's the best idea to ask but—"

"Blaine, just ask."

"Um, why don't you transfer schools?"

"I love McKinley and I don't want to leave."

Blaine bit down on his lower lip.


"You mean because of the harassment," Kurt realizes. "Blaine, it's nice of you to care so much about my safety but it hasn't gotten bad enough for me to even consider a transfer."

"As long as you're safe," Blaine replies.

"I am," Kurt assures. For now, he thinks.

"Have you thought about leaving though? Like, did it cross your mind?"

"Of course it has. On particularly bad days and in the beginning I thought about asking about my optons. Then, I joined the glee club. Even though we were awful with just five members, I was finally happy about attending school. It was, and still is, the best part of my day. After glee was introduced into my life, I no longer felt like I needed to leave," Kurt explains.

"What are the bad days like?" Blaine asks.

"There are days when David's words leave me in tears. When bruises appear the next day," Kurt pauses. "When I felt completely helpless."

Blaine reaches across the table to grab Kurt's hand and gives it a squeeze.

"I'm sorry," he says. "I don't want to upset you, I want to understand what is happening. I want you to have someone to talk to who actually went through something similar."

"While we are in the spirit of confessing our bullying stories, what made you finally decide to leave your other school?" Kurt questions.

"There was a Sadie Hawkins dance and I had just come out so I asked one of my other gay friends to go with me. We were waiting for his dad to come pick us up when these guys, um, beat the living crap out of us."

This time Kurt is the one to squeeze the other boy's hand.

"I'm here and I understand."


Kurt doesn't see Blaine for nine days after their last coffee date. He tried calling and texting the other boy and discovered that Blaine caught the flu and wasn't leaving his bed for class let alone for coffee. It felt off being at the Lima Bean without his usual partner but Kurt could use the coffee and some company. Mercedes and surprisingly Rachel were good substitutes. Of course, both girls knew about Blaine and were not happy about being replacements.

"I'm just saying I will not be replaced. There is only one Rachel Berry," Rachel shrugs.

"Agreed. Mercedes Jones is one of a kind and not  even Blaine Warbler will change that."

"In fact, I'd say Mercedes and I are..."

"Alright, I get it," Kurt cuts Rachel off. "All I meant was usually I'm here with him. But it's nice to change things up. Plus, I missed my girl time."

"It has been a while since we've hung out together," Mercedes says.

"So where is Blaine?" Rachel asks before sipping her latte.

"I assume in bed. He caught the flu earlier this week and is still recovering."

"I couldn't imagine losing my voice so close to a competition," Rachel replies. "Hopefully, he'll recover in time for sectionals."

"I hope so too."

Kurt hadn't even thought about Blaine's illness and how it could affect his performance at sectionals. The boy sent a quick text to Blaine while it was on his mind.

K: How are you feeling?

Mercedes starts talking about going to see a movie this weekend and inviting some of their fellow glee clubbers to join them.

"I'm up for a movie," Kurt agrees. "It'll be nice to spend my weekend doing something other than homework."

"Me too. What movie should we go see?" Rachel questions.

Mercedes and Rachel both pull out their phones to see what movies are currently playing. Kurt moves to do the same when his phone vibrates with a reply from Blaine.

B: Could be better but I'm improving for sure –B

K: It's good to know you're feeling better.

B: Thanks for checking up on me. It means a lot –B

K: Np. You'd do the same for me

The girls' conversation fades away even after Blaine stops replying to him. Kurt finishes his coffee and stands to get a refill. Mercedes and Rachel barely response as they continue their disagreement about a movie for Saturday afternoon.

B: I actually went to class today. -B

B: But had to skip Warbler practice, my voice needs rest –B

K: That's great news. For your voice, I suggest tea with honey and lemon. It works wonders

B: Tea sounds really good actually. I'll have to see if I can rope Wes into grabbing tea for me. The lima bean makes the best earl gray –B

K: Good luck with that

Kurt orders his usual and finds himself asking for two chocolate chip cookies and a large earl gray with honey and lemon. He wasn't sure why or how he'd get into Dalton.

B: Wes told me to screw off so much for tea –B

B: I hope to see you soon, I miss you –B

K: Before you know we'll be drinking the Lima Bean's best together


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