"So, Kurt Hummel came to visit..."

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Blaine hadn't realized that Kurt's last text meant he'd be seeing the boy an hour later. At first, he hadn't wanted to leave his bed to open the door but managed to get up. To say he was shocked when the door opened...well...let's just say if Blaine hadn't been sick he wouldn't have hesitated to kiss Kurt.

"What are you doing here?"

"I brought you tea and a cookie for us to split. Initially, I bought two but felt bad for leaving the girls so I left them one to share as well," Kurt explains. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, of course. You didn't have to bring me tea."

Blaine leads the other boy inside his room and shuts the door behind him.

"I mean, I was already at the Lima Bean and Dalton isn't a far drive. There was a fair bit of traffic on the way but nothing I couldn't handle."

"Who let you in? You have to be signed in, you did sign in right?" Blaine asks.

"Yeah, I was going to text you but I bumped into Wes and David. They helped me find your room too."

"That was nice of them," Blaine replies, knowing he'll be hearing from both boys the next time he sees them.

Wes and David will likely interrogate Blaine about Kurt. Not only did they catch them together at the coffee shop on an assumed date, now they knew Kurt came to Dalton while Blaine was recovering from the flu. If Blaine was an outsider looking in, he'd think they were dating too. He really couldn't blame his friends for assuming anything.

"I guess you got yourself a low-fat mocha."

"Actually, I let Rachel talk me into getting a low-fat latte," Kurt tells him. "She has the gift of song and persuasion. A dangerous duo."

"Especially if they are mixed," Blaine adds. "You can sit wherever, although I don't suggest the bed since it's covered in my sick germs."

Kurt makes a smart choice by pulling up Blaine's desk chair and spinning it to face the bed, where Blaine resides with his mountain of tissues. Blaine wishes he has straightened up or at least thrown the used tissues away before Kurt came. Had he known, he might've changed out if his pajamas. The same plaid pants and navy shirt he'd been wearing all day after sleeping in them last night.

"How's glee club?"

Blaine figures once the conversation gets started it won't stop. Glee is a good place to begin.

"We can't decide on any songs for sectionals and we still have no idea who we are competing against. Rachel has stormed out of the last three rehearsals. Mr. Schue is this close," Kurt pinches his thumb and index finger together leaving no space between them. "To blowing up on us. Plus, he has this insane idea of booty camp, which is utterly ridiculous because..."

Blaine cuts him off for a clarification. "Booty camp?"

"Mandatory extra dance rehearsals. It started with those of us who aren't the best dance wise but now he is making all of glee come." Kurt sighs. "Except Mike, he helps direct it with Mr. Schue."

"Mike Chang?"

"The very one. Even I have to admit he's our best dancer. He is the Rachel of dance."

Blaine sips his tea. "Could you grab the honey off my shelf? They didn't put enough in this."

"Sure," Kurt replies. "So, how are the Warblers doing?"

"Well, I hadn't been to practice in person for a week but Wes and David keep me pretty updated. It sounds like we are having similar issues narrowing down our set list. Usually, we are a pretty Top 40 kind of group but some members are questioning that tactic," Blaine explains.

"It's worked so well in the past for you guys though, why change something that has proven to be successful?"

"My thoughts exactly, I guess some people just want us to break out of our norms and try something different."

From there the two boys talk on and on for hours until Kurt's dad calls asking if he'll be home for dinner.


Wes pulls Blaine aside two days later after rehearsal. The boy has finally attended a full day of classes and gone to Warbler practice. Blaine is still taking medicine but he is almost back to his normal self.

"So, Kurt Hummel came to visit..." Wes trails off, clearly wanting any information Blaine will give him.

David joins the pair not too long after, taking Blaine's other arm and guiding them to a secluded place to chat.

"Yeah, I meant to thank you for signing him in and out. That was nice of you."

"I'm not one to deny a booty call," Wes says.

"It wasn't a booty call, he brought me the tea you refused to get," Blaine clarifies.

"You wish it were a booty call," David teases, bumping shoulders with his friend.

Blaine stays silent. "Oh my god! I was totally kidding, you do want a Kurt Hummel booty call," David exclaims.

"I mean, maybe someday. We aren't even dating," Blaine admits.

"Don't have to date to have sex," Wes points out.

"Not sex, just to be with him in a different setting. Not coffee dates wherein we talk about school. More like making out in my room in the middle of the afternoon."

"You so want to do him." David smiles.

"I really like him, guys."

"We know," Wes and David say together.

"It took one day for you to fall head over heels for this guy," David adds.

"Yeah," Blaine says, dreamily. "It did."

"When are you going to ask him out on a real date?" Wes asks.

"When I work up the nerve to."

"Better do it soon," David says. "Glad we had this chat but I have to go meet my girlfriend. We have some making out to do in the middle of the afternoon in her room."

"Yeah, yeah, rub it in." Blaine waves him off.

Little did Blaine know, Kurt Hummel was laying in his own bedroom with Mercedes and Rachel having a very similar conversation right this very minute.


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