|Shot 60| • Waiting • |Jyatt|

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Not that you guys have to, but do any of you play the songs that I add to each chapter? You don't have to listen to it but it sets the tone/theme ~ Jae👑

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"Still there, Wyatt?"

"Yeah" I sighed.

"What's wrong, bubba?"

"It's nothing..."

I squeezed my eyes shut and gingerly pinched the bridge of my nose. I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees as I clutched my phone hard.

"He's probably busy and tired, Jackie, that's all" I heard Finn say consolingly.

"You're right, Finn. I'm sorry, Wyatt. I'll call later if you want"

I could hear the smack of lips slightly on the other end. Of course, Finn probably kissed Jack again. When aren't they being affectionate?

"It's alright, Jack, you're not what's bothering me" I explained.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jack asked gently.

"I just...alright, I'll be honest, I'm just a little jealous of you and Finn, that's all. I just wish I could meet someone and love them the way you and Finn love each other. I want that so much"

"Awe, daddo, why didn't you say so! You'll find someone, believe me. Remember when I thought I'd never find anyone, and I was in a dark place? You were there for me and told me all I had to do was wait, and someone would find me. And I did. I waited, and now I have Finn. And I'm happy. I'm so damn happy. And you will be too. All you have to do is wait, you'll find someone like I did. Just give it time, Wyatt"

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