Chapter 5: The Rumour?

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Jaerim's P.O.V.

Finally. After my shift ended at the coffee shop, I decided to go home. That's how my life works— School in the morning; Coffee shop in the evening. It's quite tiring to do it again and again everyday but I just have to do it.

Kris oppa really do help me with all my financial needs but of course, I have to work for myself as well. I don't want Kris oppa handling all my expenses. It'll be rude and shameless of me. He still has a child of his own to support so I just can't be dependent on him.

Walking along in this quiet dark street sidewalk, I can't help but to reminiscent.

For three years, I've been stalking Lay.. Am I just wasting my time on him? Because I already know, he'll never notice me.. I feel like giving up but a part of me keep on telling me not to. I don't know what to do now..

I just shrugged the thought off once I noticed I already reached my destination. I saw a medium-sized box infront of my apartment's door. Immediately, I picked up the box and entered the house.

Hmm? What is this package anyway and who sent it? I placed the package on top of the table before opening it. As I opened it, the box was filled with girly dresses inside. Like what is this?! Aigoo..

Kris oppa. He's the only person, sending and giving me this kind of dresses. Aish! That guy, seriously! Checking out what's inside the box, I saw an envelope inside. I took it out and open it. There were 40,000 dollars inside and a note.

-Hi, Jaerim. So how's my little stepsister? Are you doing good in Korea? Are you making new friends? Anyway, I sent you the money so you could pay for your tuition fee this month. I hope that money is enough for you. Also, those dresses? They were given by a friend and since she know I have a sister, she'd like to give those to you. Wear those often, okay? Shane (Kris' daughter ;)) and I will visit you at the end of the year, so take care of now. I love you. Bye. Love, Kris.-

I can't help it but to smile as I read it. Kris oppa is really sweet. I already miss him and his daughter, Shane. I hope I could get to see them again, soon.


*The next day in school*

I was walking along the hallways when I started noticing that every student were whispering and glaring at me as I walked pass them. Aigoo, what is everybody's problem today? Did I do something bad? Their glares were full of envy and distaste that I even got terrified.

I wished for attention someday, but not in a negative way, like this. *sigh* I just ignored them and proceeded walking, entering the classroom. As I entered, I saw that roasted jerk sitting on my own seat. Aish! I guess this day is not made for me!

“YAH! MOVE!” I said, emphasizing the last word to him as I stood in front of him.

He lifted his head and shoot me his popular smirk. “Have you heard the rumour going around the campus?”

“Eh? Rumour?” I asked for confirmation.

He slowly stood up from my seat and stood next to me. I felt his hand, playing with the tip of my hair then he lean in, whispering to my ear. “The whole campus think we're having an affair.”

I immediately shifted my attention to him and took a step backward. “W-what?! And you didn't do or say anything that it's not true! Whoa, Kai. You could just careless! What if one out of thousands of students here told your fiance about this? I'm the one getting in trouble here, Kai!” I shouted, catching everyone's attention.

“I'm not smart enough to think what will keep the deal safe so I have no other choice but to go with flow about the rumour. I didn't want this as well, but I couldn't think of anything to keep the deal safe.” He whispered. “Just go with it. Okay?”

I couldn't say anything, thinking I must have offended him. I just watched him go back to his seat with that frown on his face.


After hearing the bell rung, I swiftly run toward the girl's restroom. Aishhh! My bladder is about to explode! I need to pee!

As fast as the wind, I finally arrived at the restroom. I quickly entered one cubicle and did my own business there.

I sighed in relief after I finally freed my bladder from exploding! Hahaha! I was about to got out of the cubicle to wash my hands when I heard the door outside opened and a loud chattering of girls echoed in the whole restroom area.

I decided to just stay inside this cubicle, waiting for those girls to get out.

“Is it true that Jaerim, you know, the weird loner is having an affair with that handsome bully, Kai?” One girl outside asked and I gasped under my breath as I heard that.

“Yeah. That Jaerim. How lucky she is to have an affair with Kai. I envy her~.” Another voice of a girl said.

“She also gotten prettier ever since we entered highschool. No wonder, Kai fall for her.” A different voice of a girl said. My gosh! I'm pretty? *giggle*

“But she needs to be careful with Kai's fiance and Min-ah. Those two were bestfriends, right? They might do something bad to her sooner or later.”

“Yeah, but Kai's fiance is in New York, right?”

“Uh-huh. But that doesn't mean that Jaerim is safe though..”

As I tried listening to them more, I heard my phone rung loudly which startled them and me as well. Aish! Talk about wrong timing.

“Wahh! Someone's here!” One girl freaked out, outside. “JAERIM!!”

Answering the phone call, I immediately run out of the cubicle and the restroom.

As I make my way out, I saw Kai, waiting for me outside the restroom area while holding my bag.

I approached him first, before taking my bag from him and checked it, to see if it's really my bag. *sigh* What does he want now?

Just as I finished checking my bag, I looked at him, and he still has this frown on his face. “Hey, you got a problem? Did I offend you a while ago?” I asked.

“Ah, no. I just want us to talk.” He said, in a hoarse voice.

“About what?”

“About the deal. Go to our house this weekend and we'll talk about the deal more. Be there as early as possible.”

“Oh, okay..”

“I'll just text you the address of our house, okay?”

I nodded my head, and he left already. What's up with him? He seems a little down today? I have a feeling it's because of me. It's because of my nagging attitude a while ago! Aishh! I hate my mouth!! *slapping my mouth then sigh* But I hope, Lay will be at their house this weekend so I can get a chance to see and meet him! Ahhhhh! KYAHHH! I'm already excited~. Lalala~.


Chapter 5, everybody! I hope you enjoyed reading it! Sorry if there's no sweet scenes yet. I'm still working on it~. :DD Please look forward to my next chaps. Vote and Comment, guys! ♥♥♥


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