Chapter 2

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"Are you alright?" asked a deep, Irish voice gently.

I looked up to see a blonde boy squatting in front of me. I gasped. It was Niall... like Niall Horan. I didn't say anything for a minute until I remembered how to speak. "Y-yeah." was all I could manage.

"What's your name, love?" he asked me.

"Piper Emerson." I said, my voice quivering in excitement. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"A fan I see." He chuckled. I nodded. Then his smile disappeared and his eyes widened. He put a hand on cheek and wiped some dark liquid away. Blood. He pulled out his phone and started dialing a number.

"Who are you calling?" I asked.

"Liam. He can come and pick us up. You need to go to the hospitable." Niall said quickly.

"Oh, please no! They'll have her come and bring me back to that awful place!" I whisper-shouted, worried someone would hear me and bring me home back to... her.

"Ok... um, how about me and the lads take care of you for awhile?" I nodded slowly, still processing his offer. He started talking to Liam through his phone. Wait a second... did I hear that right? One Direction will... take care of me? I was fangirling inside when Niall hung up. He looked at me intently with his gorgeous blue eyes. "What happened to you?" he asked softly. Pictures of earlier flashed through my mind. I started to cry again. He wrapped his arms around me and I sobbed into his shirt. I felt so safe in his arms. Maybe it was because I knew everything about him. Maybe it was something deeper than that. I shook my head. Probably not. He let go of me and grabbed my chin gently so I would look at his eyes. He stared into my green eyes.

"Can you tell me now?" he asked. I poured the story out. Everything from Dad dying to a few hours ago. I was startled at myself because as I said I am the least social person ever. I never talked in front of anyone. The whole time Niall was holding my hand, and was... sniffling. Was he crying? I didn't know, but I didn't ask. I was too nervous. By the time I finished, Liam had arrived.

The blonde boy stood up and stretched. He grasped my hand and pulled me up from the pavement. I smiled gratefully at him. He grinned like a madman, wiped one last tear away and led me to the waiting vehicle.

I sat in the passenger seat of the black S.U.V. and looked to my left. There sat Liam James Payne, with big, brown, puppy eyes staring at me.

"You poor thing!" Liam whispered. He stretched over and tightly hugged me. I squeezed him back. "What's your name, sweetie?" Liam asked. Right then I realized me and Liam would be great friends. When I answered, he grinned and turned on the vehicle. Niall was sitting behind us, leaning into the front cab area. I glanced at him to see that he was about to ask me a question. I shook my head slightly. I didn't want to talk right now.

Niall handed me a cloth. I held it, not sure what to do with it. He sighed and he must have rolled his eyes. He took the cloth back and started to dab my face, taking away the blood stains. I pushed his hand away. "Seriously, Niall! Stop!" I said. Niall grabbed my chin tightly and chuckled. He continued dabbing, and I pouted. Both of the lads started having a laughing fit for no good reason. Their laughing was so contagious, so I joined them for the heck of it. Liam had to pull over the car till we all cooled down.

After about 10 minutes, Liam turned the car back on. We drove for like another 15 minutes until we came to the most luxurious hotel in the city. I past this one every day on my way school. Mom used to always stay there when either she and dad were in a fight, or me and her. She claimed that she needed to have a place to relax. I have always wanted to come here, even though it has been reported that drunks wander through the halls. Now I wonder if it was her drinking....

Niall and Liam got out and started to walk towards the hotel. Niall looked around and noticed I wasn't beside him because I was still admiring the tall building. He walked back to the car and opened my door. He bowed like a gentleman and offered me his arm. I laughed and we linked arms. Liam literally skipped back towards us and held onto my other arm. The boys led me to the grand hotel. I realized then, I was holding onto Liam James Payne and Niall James Horan and was about to meet the rest of my favorite band. I grinned and all 3 of us frolicked through a door a butler was holding open for us.

One Of A Kind *Niall Horan*Where stories live. Discover now