Chapter 6

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Piper’s P.O.V.


I was in a world that I used to know... my old home. Dad was standing at the edge of the lawn looking at the cornfield beside our property. "DAD!" I yelled. He was alive... alive.

   Dad turned towards me. I stopped. This wasn't the dad I was used to. Usually, Dad had a smile on his face and acted like he didn't have a care in the world. Now, he had such sorrow on his face... I wanted to cry. He gave me a weak smile and opened his arms for a hug. I rushed into him and squeezed him. I breathed in his scent; the fresh smell of evergreen trees... our favorite smell. He stepped back with me still in his arms. 

   He sighed. "So beautiful... just like your mother was until.. oh, you know when, Pipes." He called be my old nickname. I would only let him call me that. I always got mad when someone else used that name. It felt like they were copying Dad "Please Pipes... can I tell you something?" His eyes were pleading for an answer. I nodded slowly not expecting what came out of his mouth. "That Niall boy... I want you to keep him. He is good at heart, and is perfect for you. Please give him a chance... he really likes you! He will make you happy, I promise you that." 

   I gasped. "You mean... Your willing to let me try to have a relationship with an international pop-star just so I have a chance to be happy? Are you CRAZY!!!!! Mom can come and find me!" I screamed at him, but then I immediately regretted it. Dad lowered his head and sighed again. 

   "Sweetheart... you have got to trust me on this one.." He started but never finished the thought. He took a deep breath and went on to a new topic. "You are about to wake up... I want you to do what I told you to do. Don't worry Pipes, we will talk again. I'll explain more then; but for now just have fun. Some secrets will be discovered soon and you will have the adventure of a lifetime. See ya precious... I love you!" He called out. He was melting into the mist. 

   "DAD! Don't leave me!!" I begged desperately. I fell down onto my knees and sobbed. 

   " Don't cry hon... I will see you again. I promise. Oh yeah... and let him use your nickname. He thinks it’s cute!" I heard Dad's voice in the wind. Faint... but I still heard it.

       “How did you know that?” I asked. But he was already gone. 


     I woke up to a soft snore. For a second I thought it was dad... he used to come and cuddle with me when I had a rough day. And vice-versa. I turned to face the warm body next to me. It was Niall. He had an arm draped over my stomach protectively. It felt... nice.... I shouldn't be feeling that way... he's famous. Then I remembered my dream. I sat straight up in my bed. Niall was gasped and fell off the bed, but I didn't care. Dad talked to me. I hadn't heard his voice in a year. Each day it got harder and harder what his voice sounded like, what he smelled like... everything about him became dimmer. 

   "What was that for?" Niall asked from the floor while rubbing his head. 

   "Oooppps?" I said, shrugging.  My mind was still thinking about the dream. 

   Niall got up and grabbed my wrists so I wouldn't move. "Look... Piper I need to talk to you about something. Like, right now." He said while staring intently at me. 

   I nodded. "Same." 

   We each took a deep breath and started to talk at the same time. We nervously laughed and then we once again become serious. 

   "I'll go first... unless you want to?" he said

   "No... only if you want me too." 

   "No. It's totally fine I'll start." He took a deep breath. "Piper... I met someone last night... and you know him. Very well... apparently. You haven't seen him in a while too. So..." and he went on and on and on about this man... who I knew everything about apparently. But I didn't know his name.

   "Niall!" I yelled making him stop.  "Your wasting time. Tell me who he is!" 

   He took a deep breath. He grabbed my hands and looked directly into my eyes. 

   "Piper..." he started softly. "I met..." He faltered. I rubbed his arm encouragingly.

   "Piper... I met your father."  

One Of A Kind *Niall Horan*Where stories live. Discover now