Chapter 4

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After 3 truths and 1 dare, the game became stupid. The boys were all asking for details about my life. Couldn't they see that I didn't want to talk about it? I mean... I just left that place! WHY would I want to talk about it?

Then it was Niall's turn.

"Do you think you made the right decision when you left... um... her?"

"You didn't say 'Truth or Dare'!" I said trying to change the topic. Like I said, not in the mood.

"This is a forced question, Piper!" Niall said pouting his bottom lip.

"YEAH! Answer or DIE!" Louis said heroically from beside me, making me jump. I laughed and crawled into his lap. Already, after a few hours, it felt like Louis was the older brother I never had.

I poked his cheek. "Come back down to earth, my knight in shining armor so we can finish this game."

"But I like being shiny...." Louis said in his awful imitation of a small child. The boys threw there heads back and started laughing.... again. It was the like the 37th (see what I did there? ;) ) time this morning. It was getting pretty annoying.

I sighed stood up and stretched and said the first excuse that popped into my head. "I need to use the bathroom. Where is it?"

Zayn pointed down a small hallway. I thanked him and trudged into the small opening. I was about to open the door when I felt the same strong hand on my shoulder as the night before.

"What is it, Niall?" I asked as kindly as I could because, truth be told, I actually had to use the loo.

"You never answered my question." He said while wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed slightly.


"I want to know the answer, Piper..." he whimpered. I sighed sat against the wall. Niall raised an eyebrow. I grabbed his hand and dragged him down beside me. But literally, when I touched his hand, sparks flew up my arm and down my spine. This made me feel all warm and cozy inside.

NO! Stop this Piper! You can't feel this way... I FORBID YOU TO! My conscious said in the back of my head. I hit my head against the wall to make it shut up. Niall looked at me weirdly, but then he must of ignored it because he gave me the famous Niall Horan smile.

I sighed once again. "Niall, of course I think I made the right decision. I get to be free of my insane..." I hesitated before I said the next word. "Mother and I get to live with One Direction for a while. Who wouldn't want that?" I asked with a grin on my face, trying to cheer Niall up, but it wasn't really working. He was holding his knees to his chest and was staring out into space.

"Was it always like this? I mean, with your mom and all." He said suddenly looking at me intently.

"I already told you... it started right my dad died!!!!" I yelled in his face with tears spilling onto my cheeks. I hated talking about dad. He was my best friend and now I will never see him. I stood up and went into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut, sat on the toilet and cried my heart out. I regretted yelling at Niall, but no one would get over the topic of my old life. I was hurt, I left, and now I'm here. That's all people really have to know.

I heard a knock on the door. "Pipes! Please come out!" Niall begged through the door.

"Don't call me that..." I sobbed. I stood up and put my forehead against the door and cried even harder than before.

"I'm sorry Piper... If you would just come out, we could help you through this." He apologized. I heard a bunch of muffled agreements. Great their in this now too.

"Guys... can you leave me alone for a little while?" I said. My voice cracked at the end and I let out another sob. I heard some footsteps go down the hall.

"If you need anything, me and Liam will always be here to talk to you... you know that right?" Louis asked through the door.

I nodded, then realized they couldn't see me. "Yup..." I said

I heard footsteps go down the hall. "Louis? Liam?" I said softly.

"Yeah Piper?" Liam whisper yelled.

"Thanks... for everything. For letting me stay here, not kicking me out when I freaked out, well, just for everything." I said sincerely.

"Your welcome." Liam said. Finally all of the boys had left me alone. I didn't know exactly what to do. I knew didn't want to go back out there and face Niall right now. So I grabbed one of the clean towels and laid down on the floor and fell asleep.....

One Of A Kind *Niall Horan*Where stories live. Discover now