Chapter 9~ Confessions?!

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(A/N: Thanks to my friend, Penny for giving the idea of the Amuto 'PE' moment. And BTW. THIS MUST BE READ! DO NOT READ THE LAST PAGE IF YOU CANNOT STAND 'M' SCENES! ITS WILL BE A LITTLE SEXUAL! That's all, happy reading!)

Amu strolled through the hallways, relaxed, towards her second last class of the day. It would be Maths and then PE and then finally, the Valentine’s Dance. She walked into the room and made her way to her seat. As she was about to sit down, someone called out to her.

“Hey Amu-chan! I need your help,” said a boy with black hair and glasses. A girl stood behind him. She had light brown hair and looked very shy. “She also needs some advice.” She gave a little wave.

Amu smiled at the two. “Hey Megumi and Chikuu. So..what do you need?” she asked.

“I need help on asking this girl I wanna take to the dance,” replied Megumi. He leaned into her and whispered, “Her name’s Jiyoona.”

“That girl in the class next to us with long black hair right?” asked Amu, a little surprised.


“Have you considered asking her directly yet?” Amu asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Oh…I’ll give that a try. Thanks!” said Megumi, before running out of the classroom.

“So Chikuu, is your problem the same thing?” asked Amu.

Chikuu shook her head. “No…it’s kinda the opposite. This guy named Wakasa just asked me to be his date. But he kinda ran away before I could answer. Now I need to answer but I don’t want to face him. I’m really shy.”

Amu thought for a moment. “Why don’t you just write a note saying yes?”

Chikuu gave a big grin. “Thanks, I didn’t think of that. God, I’m so stupid!” Chikuu went running off to the other side of the classroom and sitting at her desk.

Amu smiled. Love just gets people so worked up nowadays.

Time Skip~Gym Class

Amu sat on the grassy hill watching the teacher with boredom. On either side of her sat Utau, Rima, Ran and Miki. Amu sighed. The teacher was probably going to teach them something worthless.

“Okay then, since tonight is the Valentine’s Dance, the Head of PE thought you guys should practice dancing. Something like a waltz,” announced the teacher. The whole class gave a groan.

The teacher ignored it and continued. “Since this class is a girl’s class, I have asked two teachers of the Year 10 and Year 11 boy’s gym classes, to join us and be your partners. Most girls gave a squeal. It would mean they would get to meet some cool and hot boys. Amu sighed. She wasn’t really looking forward to this.

“Can you believe it? Boys!” squealed Ran.

“I hope it’s Yoru,” blushed Miki. Ran, Amu, Utau and Rima rolled their eyes.

Suddenly the boys came into view. Amu scanned the senior boys. Some were winking and giving  ‘call me’ gestures at the girls which made them melt in their spot. She suddenly spotted Ikuto and Yoru. Miki gave a dreamy sigh. Amu gave a groan and placed her head on her knees. Why?! Why does he have to be in that class?  The senior boys sat on the other side of the grass area. After a few seconds, Year 10 boys (who were in their grade) strolled through to the grass area. Amu managed to see Kukai, Daichi, and Nagihiko. Utau suddenly grabbed Amu’s arm and shaking it like a crazy person.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! Kukai looks so cute today!” squealed Utau.

Amu shook her head. “Calm down! Get excited later when you get to touch him.”

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