Chapter 12~ What are you up to?

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[A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long! <3 I figured I'll be now uploading every Saturday! But whatever, enjoy reading! <3]

 “Heeeeey Amu! I gotta ask you something!” yelled Utau from down the corridor. Amu closed her locker door and turned around to face her.

“What, Utau?”

Utau looked so hyper. She kept on jumping up and down and giggling at the same time. “Me and Rima thought about having a girl’s weekend! It’s with all the other girls in our dance crew!” she replied, practically yelling it out.

Amu immediately smiled at the idea. “Cool! When is it?”

“Let’s make it on Friday night, then we can have the whole Saturday to ourselves and then finish off on Monday morning! My parents are on a work trip to a town a little far away. They leave on Friday morning and comeback on Monday,” Utau suggested.

“Sounds cool. I’ll text Ran, Miki, Su, Dia and Temari about it,” Amu said, pulling out her phone. She quickly sent a message.

Amu: Ran, Miki, Su, Dia & Temari :) Girl’s weekend starts Friday night to Monday morning. Utau’s House. <3

Ran: Yay! Okay! :D

Miki: Cool. :) I’ll be there.

Su: Okay. <3 I’ll make some snacks~desu.

Dia: Sounds fun! <3

Temari: Love to! <3 Thx

Amu was about to reply again when someone breathed out on the back of her neck, causing her to shriek and drop her phone. Her phone, luckily, was caught by a long muscular arm.

“Ikuto! You’re so mean!” pouted Amu.

Ikuto read the screen, smirked and walked slowly towards her. “Girl’s weekend, huh? Can I come?”

“What?! No way! It’s girls only, genius!” Amu answered back.

“Aww! But I wanna see you in a skimpy nightgown!” he replied pouting.

Amu returned it with a death glare and kicked him hard in the shins. Ikuto groaned in pain and hugged his leg. Amu left him and walked off for lunch.

In the Cafeteria~

“Hey!” greeted Amu as she walked to the table Amulet Lynx were seated at. Everyone returned it with a smile. Amu sat down, took a chip from Kukai’s tray and popped it in her mouth.

“Hey! That was mine!” yelled Kukai, as he gave her a glare.

Amu glared back. “I don’t see your name on it!” she retorted.

“I don’t see yours either!” he yelled back.

“Doesn’t have to!” she yelled at him.








“Will you guys shut it?!” shrieked Rima with a death glare. “If I could, I would have strangled both of you and cut your throats open! So stop that stupid, damn fight!”

Amu and Kukai, both, quickly silenced themselves. Amu stood up and made her way to get some food. She picked some chocolate dipped strawberries and a chocolate milk. When she sat down again at the table, someone from behind grabbed a strawberry. Amu whipped around quickly to see who it was.

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