Where the storm formed

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Larry laid in bed staring at the wall and the empty space that a body with an identical face would fill up. He'd been in this stage for awhile and didn't look like he'd progress and get out of it anytime soon.

He blinked a couple of tears away as he thought back to how he treated Laurent... He often found himself confused and trying to fill in the blanks of how it led up to that. He had fallen into a black hole of rage and confusion which had started in their early ages of childhood.

July 2001— age 13

The Bourgeois brothers were thirteen years old and enjoying life at the moment. They had just finished eating breakfast and washing dishes before they escalated outside to adventure the streets of Sarcelles.

The day started off like any other day, Laurent would wake up first and would proceed into the bathroom to shower. While Lau would shower Larry would wake up slowly. Being the good brother he was he would lay out Laurent's clothes for him and then still half sleep would go outside to what they called their studio while waiting for his turn.

Their studio was the street connected to their backyard that no one ever drove on. It was a dead end so Laurent built a wooden fence around the outside of that street and the sides of the house for privacy.

Laurent got out and began to brush his teeth. He dried off his body and wrapped a towel around his waist before walking into the room. He smiled as he saw the clothes laying on the bed. "Larry larry larry, what would I do without you?" he spoke softly to no one before getting dressed.

When he was fully dressed he called out to his other half from their bedroom window "Larry come take your bath!!!" at that moment he could hear footsteps running up the back stairs to their house, it was none other than his partner in crime.. Larry.

They shared a smile before Larry placed a soft kiss to Laurent's cheek. Laurent felt his cheeks heat up so he covered his face embarrassed earning a heart warming laugh from Larry.

Laurent still with red cheeks pushed his brother away rolling his eyes with a smile. Larry laughed again walking back over to his brother with a huge smile on his face.

After sharing a hug they slowly parted making eye contact. Larry would be the one to break it not realizing how lost he got in Laurent's eyes.

he walked around Laurent and into the bathroom. Laurent wanting to return the favor laid out some clothes before heading downstairs.

The aroma of savory foods took over his senses as he stepped into the kitchen. He walked over to mama placing a soft kiss onto her forehead with a loving smile.

"morning mama" he spoke with the smile never leaving his face "hello son" mama's smile widened at the sight of one half of her heart, she loved her boys with all her heart and supported them through everything they did.

She turned to face him before returning the kiss to his cheek "have a seat my love, breakfast is almost ready" she spoke softly before turning to grab some plates.

"yes ma'am" Laurent was about to sit before he raced to her side again "let me get these mama you rest, you've been on your feet all morning".

He placed the plates on the counter before helping her sit down. After she was seated he grabbed her plate and began making it.

He had just finished Larry's plate when he heard singing from behind him, assuming it was mama he turned around only to see Larry placing a kiss on mama's cheek.

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