Sleepless nights

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Laurent's POV

I tossed and turned half of the night. The sound of thunder and lighting terrified me. I wish Larry was here

He knows what to do to calm me down

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He knows what to do to calm me down. It's been months since he left for rehab. 8 to be exact and I'm going insane without him.

I miss his arms, his smile, his laugh, his adorableness, his eyes, his lips, his big hands -sighs- I miss everything.

I've visited and he's progressed more and more. I'm proud, the Larry I once knew and loved is coming back........... Well........ I hope....

I got up and tried to relax but couldn't. I was pacing back and forth when I heard noise downstairs. I got paranoid and grabbed my gun. I took the safety off and quietly crept downstairs.

I made no movements. I ducked behind the pole/wall in the kitchen and looked around. I looked closely and saw a figure sitting on the couch watching TV. I crept up behind them and put the gun to their head.

"don't fucking move or I will blow ya fucking brains out"

I cocked it back, I won't playing no games. I knew it won't Larry cuz he's at rehab and he's not coming home until December.

The criminalz crew is outta town so who tf is this nigga on my couch?

??? : yo Laurent chill it's me!!!

I turned on the lights to be face to face with the one and only

Bou Bou the crow.

Bou Bou I almost shot yo ass, how tf you get in?

B: I have Larry's key smartness, he told me while he's gone to keep tabs on you and making sure your ok

well next time call before coming over ok?


I went upstairs and layed down. I was close to drifting off when I got a phone call. I groaned and answered without looking at the called ID




Yea it's me bebè

Oh I miss you so much

I miss you too but that's not why I called

Why'd you call?

To tell you I progressing a lot so I be home earlier

I so happy bebè I ready to see you

I wanna make love to you so bad

-whines- ugh come home already

-chuckles- I try bebè I try

I love you

I love you so much more Laurent, so much more bebè

-smiles- aw

I gotta go babè, but I love you and I want you to be safe if anything happenes call me and if you no get me call mommy, Bou Bou, Roy, Regi or monster ok?

Ok babè

I love you Princess so so much

I love you too



—end of convo—

I couldn't make myself tall asleep so I drank hot milk. When that didn't work I sighed and grabbed a ice cold glass of Dr. Pepper. I gulped it down and closed my eyes.

My mind kept drafting to me and Larry's convo. God I miss him so much. I haven't been able to sleep in days

I have a total of 6 sleepless nights

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