Sequel to "ABUSE" ⬅ read first
It's been a year since we last checked up on the Bourgeois twins. Last time we heard from them larry was abusing Laurent.
"has it got better for them?" you may ask
Sadly no, Larry is still abusing Laurent he's so fa...
Laurent cleared his throat gazing up at his lover. He didn't want to start a fight but knew he had to say this to him, get it off his chest. He looked Larry in his eyes taking a deep breath, his hands reaching over to grasp the other's.
"Larry baby... you know I love you and I always will but.. you need to get help. I can't walk around on eggshells no knowing if something is gonna flip your switch and piss you off.. if you no do it for us, please do it for you"
Laurent gently squeezed the other's hands smiling softly at him, he wasn't afraid of the man in front of him anymore. He had done some self healing while they were apart and was beginning to heal his broken half. If Larry raised his hand to him then he'd hit him back, he was tired of being seen weak and frankly quite tired of Larry putting his hands on him.
He watched his lover's reaction bracing himself for anything. Larry silently gazed at him for a moment before nodding his head."You're right belle, I do need help.. needed it for awhile now just was too scared to admit to you or myself." Larry gently kissed the backs of his partner's hands before speaking once again, "Laurent baby, I'm so sorry for everything you no deserve any of that. I'm gonna get help... for us"
Laurent looked astonished with a mixture of shocked. He wasn't expecting an apology from the man before him ever. He could almost cry from it but he wouldn't let his guard down, not now not yet not until he saw progress from the other. Progress that he was actually trying.
"Larry I'm proud of you for admitting that you need help, not many people can.."he smiled over at the other leaning forward pressing a kiss to his lips. He was extremely proud of the other and he'd be there for him every step of the way.
"Thank you baby.. I appreciate you still being here after all I put you through. You're amazing and I love you so much, now shall we eat?" Laurent giggled softly nodding his head softly, "please? I'm starving"
"Larry it looks so beautiful here, I think you'll do amazing here"Laurent gasped as they walked through the rehab center. Larry chuckled as he looked around gazing at various things.
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Once they reached his room he sighed throwing his bag down onto the couch. "Well welcome to my temporary home my love" he giggled gently pulling Laurent into his arms kissing his deeply on the lips sighing into it. He wouldn't be able to kiss those lips except durning visiting hours for about three months so he was gonna kiss him every chance he got until he had to leave him.
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"It really is beautiful here belle... you'll call me everyday yes?" Larry gave him puppy dog eyes smiling sweetly at him placing another kiss to his lips. "Yes baby I'll call everyday before I go to the shop and teach."Laurent hummed gazing up into his lover's eyes lovingly, "I love you, so much"he sighed against his lips."I love you more belle" he smiled as well taking a deep breath, he could do this... he was going to do this, he hated what he had become, how he treated his love and he'd do anything to continue forward a changed man.