Forgiveness with a flash

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"hey Bebe"

He froze in his tracks before dropping the phone. He could still hear the person calling his name. He shook his head coming back to earth before picking the phone back up. Tears began to form before he spoke in a shaky voice.


"yes belle it's me... "

Laurent sat there frozen. He didn't know what to say to him... He wasn't prepared for this at all. Of course he missed Larry and wanted to see him but this was a huge blow that Laurent wasn't ready to receive.

"Belle? You there?"

"o-oh yea I here... "

Before Laurent could add on to what he said, Larry blurted out what he had been thinking. The words he had been dying to say, the words that caused him deep pain.

"I miss you so much baby"

"I miss you too"

"I'm sorry Belle, I'm sorry for everything I've done, I know me saying sorry isn't going to erase your bruises and scars or fix the broken heart I caused but.. I'm so sorry and I have something to tell you so I really need to see you"

Laurent now sitting on the floor in front of the bed listened to every word he said. Laurent didn't know if he was ready or not but decided anyway. Completely ignoring the apology for now.

"meet me at mama's"

"okii Belle thank you for agreeing"


"I love you Laurent"

"bye Larry"

Laurent let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in. He didn't mean to sound so cold but after hearing "I'm sorry" or "I love you" after getting hit knowing it's just going to happen again makes these words unbelievable to any victim.

Laurent placed his phone on the bed before getting up. He walked into the bathroom standing in front of the mirror for a minute. Although he knew he was alone he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He walked out of the bathroom before scanning the whole house and the outside... Nothing, he found nothing.

He shook off the eerie feeling before retreating back into the house. He found himself standing in the mirror once more scanning his appearance. He gently lifted his hand to his face placing his fingers on the scar under his right eye, he shut his eyes tightly as he ran his fingers over it. Images flashed through his head as he started to remember how he got it.

They were 20 at the time and had just got home from a workshop, Larry was beyond livid with Laurent as he thought he was being too "friendly" with a fan.

May — 2008

He stormed into the house with a tight grip on Laurent's arm.

"bebe please!!!"

"shut up"

"I no flirt with her! I was just being nice!"

"Laurent shut up"

"I only love you baby, I swear!"


Larry cocked back his arm bringing it forward striking Laurent across the face. Laurent stumbled back a bit the only thing keeping him from falling was the grip Larry had on his arm. He threw Laurent to the ground with force while standing over him. His expression read anger and his eyes filled with rage. He began to kick Laurent repeatedly each kick getting harder Laurent was helpless at this point screaming and pleading

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