The Morning After

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Laurent was awoken by the smell of food being made downstairs. It smelled so good but he was tired and sore from previous events.

"I should shower to loosen my muscles"

He thought out loud slowly climbing out of the bed. Walking into the bathroom connected to the bedroom he turned and stared at the mirror for a few moments. Thoughts of yesterday's conversation still present in his mind.

He should've picked up on the signs sooner... he should've known Larry wasn't acting that way for no apparent reason. He thought about their mother's boyfriend and how his actions or just his presence alone didn't sit well with Laurent.

Something about that man's energy rubbed him the wrong way and now he knows why. Shaking his head he slipped back into reality and undressed. Turning the shower on he adjusted the knob so the temperature was to his liking.

Once the temperature was how he liked it he climbed inside. He began to think about Larry again and how much he kept bottled up inside.. he trusted him to get help on his own but no one changes overnight, they'd need to discuss this more and settle on the same page.

Grabbing his favorite body wash that consisted of vanilla and sugar, he lathered up his washcloth and began to wash himself. It'd a while since he sung in the shower, he didn't think he sounded as pretty as Larry but he still would sing here and there. Clearing his throat he started to sing Human Nature by Michael Jackson with a smile on his face.

About thirty five minutes later he climbed out and dried off dressing himself in a long T-Shirt and shorts. Humming to himself he made his way down the stairs to the kitchen admiring the scene in front of him

 Humming to himself he made his way down the stairs to the kitchen admiring the scene in front of him

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There stood Larry at the stove with his back facing Laurent. Dressed in gray sweats and no shirt, placing a pancake onto a plate. He was singing out loud with a wide smile. A smile that Laurent hadn't seen in a very long time. He walked deeper into the kitchen wrapping his arms around Larry's waist kissing his cheek.

"Bonjour mon amour"

He whispered into his ear squeezing him softly before letting go and leaned against the counter beside him. Larry turned to face Laurent leaning in and kissed him softly on the lips.

"bonjour beau"

He chuckled a little cutting off the stove and glanced at Laurent.

"Although you slept until noon"

Larry smirked playfully eyeing Laurent who had a shocked expression on his face. He looked over at the clock and low and behold it read twelve fifteen.

"Wow" was the only thing that left his lips as he was cut off by another sweet kiss from Larry, this one lasting much longer. His hands holding Laurent by his waist, his forehead rested onto the others as he spoke softly.

"You're the most beautiful human I've ever laid eyes on and I love you more than I can ever explain in words.. do you hear me belle?"

Laurent was taken back by all the affection he was receiving but nodded his head softly.

"No no, I need to hear your words belle"

Laurent nodded again this time speaking afterwards.

"Y-yes, I hear you Larry"

Larry nodded but didn't move from his spot, gazing into Laurent's eyes he smiled his bunny smile. Laurent felt his heart clench in a good way seeing it. He wanted to stay like this forever but they needed to talk.

"Larry we need to talk"

"Can it wait until after we eat?"

"No, this is important"

Larry nodded and released Laurent taking his hand and leading him to the sunken living room.

They sat down on the couch holding each other's hands

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They sat down on the couch holding each other's hands. Laurent cleared his throat and began to speak.

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