Chapter 1

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  The sun rose, illuminating the world, bringing warmth, and most importantly, waking Rosalie up for school. She yawned, but stayed in bed.

  "Rose! Get up! We're gonna be late!" Spafina whined, shaking her sister. Adriana adopted Spafina, an Aires child, a few years ago. The daughter of the Aries leader, Charlotte Brooks, gave birth. Charlotte's daughter didn't plan for the pregnancy, so Charlotte abandoned the child. Adriana rescued her.

Spafina grew to be a beautiful young girl with medium length blue locks, deep blue eyes, and light, pale skin. She's tall for her age of fourteen and has the makings of an hourglass figure. She would definitely grow into a gorgeous young woman.

  "Spafina... I'm too tired to do lessons today. Can't we just skip?" Rosalie groaned, obviously wanting to disregard her responsibilities. Spafina was having none of her sister's foolishness, hauled Rosalie out of the bed harshly. Rosalie's body impacted the ground with a thud, ensuing a reaction from the disoriented sister.

  "What the hell, Spaf?" Rosalie snapped, rubbing her sore areas with her palms.

"Come on, it's time for lessons!"

"Is Mom home?" Rose yawned.

"No she left for Hawaii last night. But come on, the chefs are cooking us something delicious!"

  "Is it bacon?" Rosalie perked up and was getting excited now.

  "No. But it can be!"

  "Ugh. I'm going back to sleep," Rosalie mumbled, pulling her covers over her body.

  Spafina decided to use a trick that would always grab Rose's attention. "Hey sis, we are learning about the government today."

  "Well then why the hell didn't we just go with Mom?" argued Rosalie.

  "Because someone locked me out last week on the staff's day off."

  "Yeah yeah. Fair point."


  Rosalie and Spafina sat in class, listening to their private tutor. Rosalie was obviously over this, her eyes darting around the room, looking for an escape. Spafina, on the other hand, enjoyed her lessons.

  "And so, you will have a test tomorrow on the Zodiac Court Leaders. Memorize this sheet of information. Dismissed," the tutor ordered, passing out a sheet of paper.

  It read:

Aries Female: Charlotte Brooks
Aries Male: Richard Sullivan
Taurus Female: Alice Presley
Taurus Male: William Rowan
Gemini Female: Candice Owens
Gemini Male: Preston Dawson
Cancer Female: Lillian Ellis
Cancer Male: Isaiah Martinez
Leo Female: Dawn Cunningham
Leo Male: David Baxter
Virgo Female: Alessandra Holt
Virgo Male: Nathaniel Holt
Libra Female: Isadora West
Libra Male: Oliver Quinn
Scorpio Female: Cassandra Rodgers
Scorpio Male: James Wolf
Sagittarius Female: Vivienne Black
Sagittarius Male: Abraham Baker
Capricorn Female: Iona Aldridge
Capricorn Male: Christopher Harding
Aquarius Female: Kathleen Brown
Aquarius Male: Oscar Reynolds
Pisces Female: Adriana Abbot
Pisces Male: Henry Sawyer

Rosalie and Spafina would have to memorize everything on the list, earning a groan from Rosalie and a small cheer from Spafina.

The tutor continued, "Oh yes, your mother would like me to inform you that you two have been chosen to represent Pisces on the Grand Tour this year. Spafina, I know you're not completely familiar with it, so I will elaborate. The Grand Tour is a tour taken around our country every year by lucky students, mostly teenagers, who have a bright future. The purpose is to show them how people of different Zodiacs in different states live their lives and to just give the children an experience they won't forget. You will leave March 13th, Miss Rosalie's birthday. Today is March 10th, so you have three days to be prepared for the week-long tour."

  "Do you know of anyone else who has been chosen?" Spafina questioned, raising her hand in the air.

  "I know a lot of them are common people. Some are Zodiac Leader's kids. Like you two," the tutor answered. He looked at his watch. "Your school day is over, girls. You may use your free time however you wish. I will see you tomorrow."


  Rosalie and Spafina sat in their room, bored. Spafina decided to find out who else had been chosen.

"I'm not sure if you can exactly find that sort of information. Isn't that shit classified?" Rose inquired, looking through her Instagram feed.

  "Possibly. But I know Mom's password to her account!" Spafina winked, reassuring her sister. "We're gonna find out everything." Spafina went to work, typing so rapidly on her laptop that you could hear it.

  "You do that, personal space invader. I'm going to go see if the chefs will cook for us." Rosalie stood herself up, stretched, and began making her way to the kitchen when Spafina started jumping up and down.

  "I got in!" she cheered. Rosalie bounces back to her sister for she was secretly curious as well.

  "Looks like not all of the spots have been taken. I guess they ran out of time. There's Chase Rowan, Jewel Jackson, and some other government kids. Ugh. Great, we will be with a bunch of stuck up rich kids for a week."

"They're not all government kids." Spafina pointed a finger to the screen. "Blue Cohen and Jessica Kenlaw aren't. Aria Davenport isn't."

"True, but there's Colin Smith. He's the son of the governor of Kentucky. It's an Aries state. So I guess he will be representing Aries." Rosalie sat down on her cherry red bed, fiddling with her pillows. "Say, what is everyone going to represent?"

"Blue is Scorpio. Jessica is Gemini. Chase is Taurus. Aria is Cancer. Jewel is Libra. Colin is Aries. You and I will be Pisces. There will be a Elizabeth Aldridge as Capricorn. And Jonathan Black for Sagittarius. That's almost all the signs. I wonder why Leo, Virgo, and Aquarius didn't pick representatives this year."

"Like half of those of government kids. Ugh. This will not be fun," Rose sighed monotonously.

"Ahem, Miss Rosalie? Miss Spafina? Your mother is home in time for dinner," the butler interrupted them.

"Alright, c'mon Spaf," Rosalie urged, pulling her sister up. "Let's go."

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